Amuse-O-Matic 2000

Tired of not being able to see your favorite relatives on certain holidays? Then let some of TV's biggest how-to hosts show you how to bring back the dead when they're already pushing up the daisies.

Something waiting for you in heaven
Two holidays ,
A big piece of furniture
Something small used to transfer electricity
Something long used to transfer electricity
A car
My middle finger is long.
An internal organ
Kindergarden students have a tendency to act very .
A verb
Two things people use to decorate their house ,
Place where you can buy everything at discount prices
A two digit number
A liquid that is very dangerous to your health
A room in your house
Tool used to dig
Something used to clean up spilled milk
Something you say to someone who cuts you off in traffic
Something you do every morning
Something little babies do
A type of monster
A brand of laundry detergent
Type of juice
A famous person who's dead
Your favorite dessert
The host of a famous "How-To" TV show
The name of that "How-To" show

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Tell Some Friends!

Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher who's alive, whoa-ho, I'm still alive
WebMonsteress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused