Amuse-O-Matic 2000

You know what really annoys me? Someone who makes someone else wait and wait and wait to get on with something by talking on and on and on. I mean, sometimes when you're in a big hurry, you don't want to listen to the stuff that other people have to say and just do what you've been waiting to do already. Sometimes I just want to take the largest, heaviest, most blunt object I can find and just smack them over the head with it while I'm screaming "Stop making me wait by talking incessantly, you half-witted, monkey brained, two faced moron!" Uh, was that too much?

Type another word for "real" with the caps lock button in the on position
What you would like to see Kathy Ireland or Mel Gibson wearing (depending on your preference)
A piece of "under clothing"
A question you would ask your accountant, if you had one
An activity that requires the participants to undress
A phrase you'd use on a bad driver
A generic person that you don't want to get angry
Something that, in your opinion, is just stupid, stupid, stupid!
Something that is alive and very, very small
Something everyone should remember
A TV's theme song that is more annoying than getting out of bed and stepping on a thumb tack (that's my little annoyance, thank you very much)
Something men or women use to protect themselves during...uh, you know, oh I don't have to really say it, do I?
A famous person that is the hottest thing walking on two legs
Something disgusting that is commonly found on any major highway
Anything in your house that is very delicate
Your favorite body part
Three words that mean "to complain" , ,
A word you utter when you make a mistake

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Last Updated: 06/01/00
Story & Questions by Danny Gallagher, who complained the whole time when he wrote this annoying thing...
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-2000 Centre for the Easily Amused