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Comstock Klips - Royalty Free Division

Comstock's discount volume licensing makes it easy and cost effective!

S e a t   L i c e n s e   P r o g r a m

Our "seat license" program is designed to make it easy and economical to license images and discs for access and use by corporate "groups".  Discs and single images can be shared or loaded onto servers and made available to the necessary number of "seats".
Better still?  Our "Seat License" corporate customers are entitled to special discounts on new releases and preferred customer service.

Placement of images on a Networked Server generally requires a "Seat License"

W h o   n e e d s   a   s e a t   L i c e n s e ?

ComstockRF royalty free images are normally licensed for use by a maximum of ten people .  That doesn't mean ten people at each moment, that means ten people total.  Any use beyond that without a "seat license" is an infringement of lawful copyright.  [Please be sure to read all "terms and conditions" carefully to avoid infringement of copyright]. 

C a l l   1 - 8 0 0 - 2 2 5 - 2 7 2 2   f o r   S e a t   L i c e n s e   I n f o r m a t i o n