Complete information about the 1992 Developer's Competition can be found in the DBA forum library. You are free to include these files in your newsletters, on bulletin boards, or to distribute them in any way you choose to help publicize the event. The file is name DevComp.Zip and contains the following: Overview.txt Overview of the event. BBS.txt Notice suitable for posting on a bulletin board. UserGrp.txt How a user group can host a "feeder" event. News.txt Information suitable for user group newsletter. Applicnt.txt Developer's Competition Application Form. Sponinfo.txt Benefits and reasons for sponsors to participate. Survey.txt Results of the evaluation forms. Proceed.txt The Proceedings from the 1991 Developer's Competition. Online.txt Info on Concurrent Competition by CompuServe Mail. The proceedings contains the following information: Databased Advisor Article, Overview, Schedule of Events, System Specification, Judge's Scoring Sheet, Rules, Scoring, Prizes, Application Profiles, Company profiles of competitors, judges, press, and sponsors, final rankings, tools used summary, and evaluation results. tld