NOTE: IN ORDER TO KEEP ANOTHER AMERICAN FAMILY FROM RELYING ON WELFARE, PLEASE PAY REGISTRATION FEE FOR ANY SOFTWARE THAT YOU USE FROM THIS PACKAGE! THANK YOU! OTHER SOFTWARE IN THE WORKS: TAPEDIR - a new version of tape directory that will sort all files and subdirectories alphabetically, create tape tables for comparison, and run cleaner. WCHGBMP - a program that will change the bitmap backgrounds on each entrance into Windows. CHKDATE - to check for a certain date from within a batch file. CHKTIME - a batch file check for a specific time. CHKDAY - batch file check for specific day of week and/or month. CHKMONTH - to check for a certain month of the year in a batch file. TYPJESUS - a typing program that uses scriptures. TAPEDIR ($15 Shareware) Tape Directory Program for Colorado Memory Systems Tape Drives. Jumbo DOS software or QFA DOS software required. Purpose: This software was written to see all the volumes, subdirectories, and files on multiple tapes. This type of software is most useful to people who use tape archiving - storing lots of data in a library type environment. These users often want to number each tape and have a printout catalog of the contents of each tape. How it works: TAPEDIR always saves the tape directories in consecutive order. You never loose the directory of one tape by inserting another tape. In TAPEDIR, the tape directories are automatically renamed to TDIR1.TXT, TDIR2.TXT, ... , TDIR9999.TXT. Up to 9999 tape directories are possible, before you must start deleting TDIR*.txt files. Tape volumes, directories, and files are listed in the order that they appear on the tape. TAPEDIR Options: There are four TAPEDIR Options for routing output - S, SU, P, or F (default). TAPEDIR S will save to a file and print to the screen with the | MORE option. TAPEDIR SU prints to the screen uninterrupted and saves to a file. TAPEDIR P prints to a printer (also saving to a file). TAPEDIR F or TAPEDIR will simply save to a file, without any display. In order for TAPEDIR to work on password protected tapes, you must use TAPEDIR /password. Example: TAPEDIR SU /MYPASSWORD will do a directory of the tape which has been password protected with "MYPASSWORD". The output will go to the screen uninterrupted (and TAPEDIR always saves to a text file). Usage of Programs: You may run the INSTALL program on the diskette to insure that TAPEDIR files are copied to the C:\TAPE directory. If the CMS Tape software is installed in another subdirectory, then you must copy the TAPEDIR files to that subdirectory. TAPEDIR must be run from the command line or in a batch file. TAPE-ERR ($15 Order) Tape Error Program for Colorado Memory Systems Tape Drives. Jumbo DOS software or QFA DOS software required. Purpose: This software is an attempt to report Tape Drive Error Codes to the DOS environment. Users can then determine if any tape error has occurred. How it works: TAPE-ERR requires the file "ERROR.LOG" to run. If "ERROR.LOG" exists, then all errors will be sent to files "Tnnn.CMS", where nnn is the error number encountered. Moreover, the file "TAPEERR.CMS" will be created to notify you that at least one error occured during the tape operation. Example of TAPE-ERR: Note the uppercase items. You may check for any error by using "IF EXIST TAPEERR.CMS"; or for a specific error (such as Tape Error 59 - Tape not Formatted) by using "IF EXIST T59.CMS". REM **C:\TAPE\BACKUP.BAT file** :STARTIT tape backup c:\*.* /s/m >ERROR.LOG (ERROR.LOG file created) TAPE-ERR IF NOT EXIST "TAPEERR.CMS" GOTO OK tape format GOTO STARTIT :OK tape backup d:\*.* /s/m >ERROR.LOG TAPE-ERR Usage of Programs: You may run the INSTALL program on the diskette to insure that TAPE-ERR files are copied to the C:\TAPE directory. If the CMS Tape software is installed in another subdirectory, then you must copy the TAPE-ERR files to that subdirectory. TAPE-ERR must be run from the command line or in a batch file. TAPEDATE ($15 Shareware included with TAPEDIR) Tape Dating Program for Colorado Memory Systems Tape Drives. Jumbo DOS software or QFA DOS software required. Purpose: This software was written to perform a tape operation based on files with a specific date. This type of software is most useful to customers who might want to backup, restore, compare, or search for information with a particular date. How it works: TAPEDATE requires a batch file name to run. For example, TAPEDATE TEST.BAT will change the date of all valid tape operations in the file TEST.BAT. TAPEDATE Options: Two TAPEDATE options are DATE and /R. The DATE specified must be in the format mm-dd-yy. Otherwise, TAPEDATE assumes that the current date is to be used. /R provides the option to run the requested batch file after the date change is complete. A batch file can be changed without running the batch file by omitting the /R parameter. Example of TAPEDATE command: TAPEDATE 01-30-89 BATCH_1.BAT /R. This will modify all tape searches, compares, backups, and restores so that only files dated January 30, 1989 will be accessed. After the date changes are completed on BATCH_1.BAT, the batch file will be run (executed). Usage of Programs: You may run the INSTALL program on the diskette to insure that TAPEDATE files are copied to the C:\TAPE directory. If the CMS Tape software is installed in another subdirectory, then you must copy the TAPEDATE files to that subdirectory. TAPEDATE may be run from the command line or in a batch file. NWSECURE ($30 Order) A group of programs to provide added network security. Requires DOS and Network with Password environment. Purpose: This program was originally written to offer some protection for PASS.DOC files. The problem arises in the LOGIN procedure, where a password is required and may be piped in as PASS.DOC (LOGIN SUPERVISOR