The Wolfenstein 3D DEBUG MODE does lots of neat things, and probably some I have yet to discover. 1. Run Wolfenstein 3D by typing: WOLF3D -next 2. While playing, press [TAB] [CTRL] [ENTER] at the same time. You should see "Debugging Keys Available". DEBUG MODE keys: [TAB]-E Jumps ahead two (2) levels [TAB]-G Toggles "God" mode on/off (invincibility) [TAB]-I Gives you "free Items"--Health, Ammo, and Weapons [TAB]-N "No clipping" lets you walk thru walls! FUN! [TAB]-W Warps to any level (1-10) [TAB]-O Show "Overhead" view of current level. There are more, but they aren't as interesting as the ones above. HAVE FUN!