Enter the description for one of four possible reasons why employees can accrue time off. For example, if a employee earns 1 weeks vacation every 6 months, then you would enter "VACATION" as the description here. Enter the additional number of hours that the employee has accrued for the description shown. At year end, print out the attendance report and subtract the hours taken for all of the classifications shown. If the employee will lose the hours if they are not taken at year end, then subtract the accrued amount at year end. Note: the descriptions are entered or changed in the Enter Your Company Name option on the first screen. Enter the first line of the employees address. If you will not be printing mailing labels, you do not need to enter the employees address. Enter the second line of the employees address. Enter the beginning attendance code that you want to print. If you leave this field blank, all codes will print. Press F2 to get a listing of the Codes. Enter the beginning date for this report. If you leave this date blank, then the report will print out all records on file. Enter the city the employee lives in. Enter the Attendance Code for one of the reasons that you want to track the time off taken by your employees. For example, to track sick time, you may want to enter "SICK" as the code. Enter any comments that may better describe the reasons why the employee took time off. Enter the date that the employee took the time off. Enter the description for this attendance code. Enter the Employees Name. Enter the Employee Id that you want to assign to this employee. You have up to 9 characters for the Employee Id. Enter the ending attendance code to print. You can press the F2 key to get a listing of the various attendance codes. Enter the ending date for the report. Enter the number of hours that the employee missed this date. If the employee was off for more than one day, enter the hours that they were off on this date and then use the "F4 Copy Date" function to create records for the other days. This screen will allow you to do an inquiry as to the time that an employee has taken off. You can not change or delete transactions from this screen. Enter the Employees Phone Number. Enter the hourly rate that the employee is paid at. This rate is used to figure the value of the hours that the employee has taken off. This screen displays the employees that you have entered in the system. To add a new employee, press the "INS" key. To change a existing record, highlight the employee and press the "ENTER" key. To delete a employee, highlight the employee and press the "DEL" key. At the Find: field, you can enter a portion of the employee id and the screen will display employees starting with the portion of the id that you have entered. Enter the date that this employee first started with your company (Hire Date). This is for information purposes only. Enter the City the employee lives in. Enter the date that the employee was terminated. Note: to keep track of all the hours that were taken off during the year, you may not want to delete a terminated employee until after the first of the following year. Enter the Zip Code. ACCRU1 ACHRS ADD_1 ADD_2 BEG_CODE+ BEG_DATE CITY CODE COMM DATE p DESC EMPLNAME EMPL_ID ` END_CODE END_DATE HOURS INQUIRE PHONE RATE 5 SHOWEMPL START STATE TERMDATE ZIP