XENO 1.1 ------------ Xeno is a game of strategy, it is played on a 3D, rotating, spherical, surface. Xeno is a chess game where powerful pieces EVOLVE, a backgammon game where skill replaces dice, and a GO game where victory and defeat are intertwined. Xeno is a DEMO. Xeno is freely distributable. Xeno requires: Win95/NT4.0 DirectX 2.0 or greater 800X600 resolution with at least a 256 color video mode. Setting up XENO is easy: Unzip XENO11.zip to any directory. Run XENO.EXE from that directory. Email jhaughey@together.net for questions or problems. -- OR -- Visit us on the Web at http://www.together.net/~jhaughey Thanks, Spudhead Software, Inc.