THE GAME Magic Squares is a simple game for one player gaming against the computer. Each player chooses a square and totalizes the point written on it. A player must choose a square which is in the same row or column that the square just played by his opponent. The first player can choose whichever square he wants. The game ends when all the squares has been played or when it's impossible to play. A new game begins, the points being totalized. After the defined number of games, the match ends. Do you win? THE MENU -> Match - New Match: starts a new match, with the selected options. -> Match - Save Match: saves the current match and the running game. -> Match - Load Match: loads a previously saved game. -> Match - Quit: quits, exits, bye bye... -> Options - Grid: number of squares for a whole match. -> Options - Who's first: you, the computer or one of you randomly selected at the beginning of each new match. -> Options - Number of games: number of games in a match. -> Options - Level: easy, standard (medium) or really tough ! -> Help - Help: this file. -> Help - How to register: you should read that one. -> Help - About: version and copyright informations. -> Help - Register: ask you to enter your id and password. REMARKS The number of games should be set to a even number since the first player has a real advantage. The difference between the levels: - Easy is really easy, when you know how to play. - Normal should be used as standard level. - Hard is exactly the same than Normal except that at the end of the game the computer thinks deeper. Send questions and bugs to