This is a Test Eat My Shorts Excuse Me, So Sorry Prepare To Die Look Maw, No Hands! Have You Got a Permit? French Horns! WooHoo! Apocalypse NOW! Verily, I Say Unto Thee Ya Crazy Li'l Minx C'mere Porcupine! Nurse, Forceps... Here Comes Santa Claus, BOOM-BOOM YEAH BABY! Oooh, Pretty... Wow, The Colors! The Check's in the Mail! FBI! We're Here to Help! We Come in Peace! Take Me to Your Leader Tour De Force! Zout Alors! Sacre Bleu! I Spit On Thy General FREEZE! POLICE! &%*$(# and @#)[$ In The Beginning... NO SOLICITORS! Honey, I'm Home! Lucy! Wad Joo Do Now?! KAPOW-KAPOW You're Dead! Just Because I'm Paranoid... Mr. Reagan! STOP! We Will Bury You! INCOMING!! Four Score and.. um... Take THIS Evildoer! Not the RED Button! Ich Bin Ein Berliner Your Shoelaces Are Untied Your Shoelaces Are United Special Delivery! Praise the Lord! Fine! Be That Way! Pardon Me, Got any MUSTARD! I'm feeling all giggly This is just like old times Stop Hoggin' the Glory! Lookit Me! I'm Seargent York! Get Bent ya' Old Biddy! Look out Horschak! It's Kotter! Feel the Burn! I Switched to Decaf! Imagine Them All Naked Springtime For Hitler... Oy Gevalt! Perot in '08! Meshugenah! Aloha, Hello & Goodbye Evolution in Action! MICE! MICE EVERYWHERE! What's This Lever Do? Storm The Bastille! Full Steam Ahead! Damn the Torpedoes! Remember the Alamo Remember Pearl Harbor Remember Dunkirk! Remember Dresden! Remember Elvis! Remember Bruce Lee! Remember To Get Bread! Remember the.. ah.. uh.. I'll Moidelize'Em Like a Hawk on Fire, I Swoop Hey! CATCH! Silo Nation Armada Foxtrot Utah Klatu Nikto Verata Feliz Navidad! 30 Minutes, Or It's Free Look Out Mitch! It's A Bomb! CLICK CLICK, Uh-Oh I Meant to Do That! Two Cards - I Mean None Can't We All Just Get Along? I'm Ready to Negotiate Kings X! Time Out! I'm a Sitting Duck! Quack! Spit On My Grave! Load Buddy in the Cannon! Are We Done Yet? Firing Bombs is Soooo Passe The Worms Crawl In... Hu-Hu, Hu-Hu, Like Cool No Mommy! Don't Make Me Do It! Gun Control? HA-HA-HA-HA! Rush for Emperor!