Goodbye Mr. Chips. I Have But One Life This Can't Be Happening! Somewhere Over the Rainbow Rosebud... Quick! Dial 911! Anyone Know CPR? The Lights Are Growing Dim I See a White Tunnel... This is a Grave Situation Bring Out Your de-EAD Glory Hallelujah God in Heaven, WHY! After All I've Done For You Take Care of My Cats Charlie? I Can't Feel My Legs I'm Spam in a Can! SNIFF What's Burning? It's ME! Calgon! Take Me Away! There's No Place Like Home! Hey, Why Am I Glowing? I Dropped my Arm! My Hair is Falling Out Somebody, Please Help... I Got A Paper Cut! The Worms Crawl Out... Well, Color ME Dead Horizontal, My Favorite Position I Look Good In Black