EaglePro EPPUZZLE __________ Copyright (c) EaglePro Software 08/26/96 EaglePro Software P.O. Box 876 Marion, Illinois 62959 Written using Turbo Pascal for windows. I'm not going to bore you with the usual registration, shareware, features, and usage here. BUT I do strongly suggest you read the rest of this short document for future upgrades and support. If you have any suggestions for improvements or bug reports they can be mailed to the address above or at the end of this file. If you'd like to have the source code (* Turbo Pascal *), future upgrades plus other custom features, REGISTER IT !!!!!!! ---- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------- EPPuzzle is a very simple and easy game. It generates 15 random words and places them in a 15x15 block of random letters. These words can placed in the puzzle diagonally, backwards, forwards, vertical, horizontal or any combination. The object of the game is to find all of the words listed down the right side of the puzzle in the block letters. When you find a word click on the first letter, the box at the top will display the letter and the button for that letter stays down. When you click on the next letter in the word it's displayed in the top box and it's button stays down also. When you've clicked on all the letters the word is removed from the list of words on the right, all the buttons for that word are released and your ready to start on the next word. If you make a mistake and click on the wrong letter then click on the top box that spells out the word or the box that says CLEAR and all the buttons will be released so you can start again. When and if there are later releases the CLEAR button will be removed and just the picked display button will be used for mistakes. ------- INSTALLING EP-PUZZLE ----------------------------------------------- 1) The easiest way is to type INSTALL from dos and the EaglePro Group and the puzzle game will be copyed to your windows directory. Then load windows and look for the new EaglePro group. 2) If not install, then copy the file PUZZLE.EXE to your windows directory. 3) From the file manager select FILE, then NEW. 4) When asked for Program Group or Program Item select Program Item 5) For Description: put EP-Puzzle 6) For Command Line: put \WINDOWS\PUZZLE.EXE 7) For Working Directory: put \WINDOWS 8) Click ok and it will add the puzzle program to your windows folder. ------- FUTURE ADDITIONS ---------------------------------------------------- The future of this game depends on you. If you send in your registration fee then future upgrades will be possible. If not other projects will get the programing time. It depends on you! Here's a list of possible upgrade additions. The option of printing the puzzles with the answers. The option to create your own puzzle using the words that you choose. ( This option could be used to create puzzles with a persons childs spelling words. Then let the child spell the out the words from the puzzle. ) Printing to the printer or the clipboard. ( The addition of printing to the clipboard would be very nice for creating newspaper or news letter like games or even word puzzle books.) Better checking of the clicked on letters. ( The way the puzzle is setup now you don't have to click on the letters in the word order. For example the word LETTERS you can click on the L and then the second E then TT and the first E then RS and it will be the same as clicking on LETTERS in that order.) ------- DISCLAIMER ---------------------------------------------------- EaglePro will not be held responsible for any damage WHAT SO EVER this game might do to your computer including hardware damage, software damage, or data damage. This program has had many hours of testing before it was released. To the best of my knowledge it could not possibly do any damage to your system. This disclaimer was placed here just for legal protection from those who think that it is possible that EP-PUZZLE could do damage to a system. EP-PUZZLE may be uploaded to and downloaded from commercial systems such as CompuServe, the Source, and BIX, as long as there is no charge for the product itself. Those copying, sharing, and electronically transmitting this product are required not to delete or modify the copyright notice and restrictive notices from the program or documentation. Any distribution of EP-PUZZLE must include all files contained in the packed format. ---- CREDITS ---------------------------------------------------------- Brian Smith Author Tim Smith Paper work and registrations Reid Smith CoAuthor and many hours of programing help and support. ----- Registration ----------------------------------------------------- EP-PUZZLE is shareware and you are granted a license to use this program for a period of 30 days. At the end of the 30 day period you must either send $10.00 to the address listed below or remove the program. Usage of the EP-PUZZLE Game for longer than the 30 day evaluation period requires that you register the product with the author. Failure to do so violates Federal Copyright Laws and places you in a position to which the author can pursue monetary damages in a court of law. If you feel that this program is a good addition to your windows files and would like to see additions added to this program, then PLEASE send $10.00 to: EaglePro P.O. Box 876 Marion, Illinois If you would like the complete sorce code add $5.00 but it will have to be downloaded from the EaglePro BBS. You can download the newest version of EP-PUZZLE or contact us by leaving a message to " Reid Smith " on these FINE BBS's: EaglePro (SmithCom) (618) 997-8009 11pm-7am CST Pooh's Corner (618) 985-4747 24-7 Email reid.smith@poohs.com rsmith@intrnet.net Please make all checks payable to EaglePro. All proceeds from this program will be used in the treatment for Lymes Disease and helping those who have it. It is extremely important to find a cure for this killer.