Please read this file completely before playing Case Closed. If you have a printer, I suggest printing out this file to refer to while you are playing the game. Contents of this text file 1. Plea From the Creator. 2. Playing the game. 3. After all of the clues have been found... 4. Submitting comments, questions or problems about this game. ********************************************** Plea From the Creator. ********************************************** Thank You for downloading Case Closed! To install, just run setup.exe and follow the instructions. This game is the result of the hard work of David Sakadelis. It has been provided for the sole enjoyment of anyone who wishes to play it. However, in order to provide this game for free David Sakadelis must pay to store this game on a web server. It is recommended that if you enjoy this game and continue to use it that you send a small donation of $5 - $10 to David Sakadelis at: 345 Toleman Road Rock Tavern, NY 12575 Thank you Enjoy the Game! ********************************************** Playing the Game. ********************************************** The game rules and mechanics may take a little bit of practice before the players understand them totally. I encourage players to play a few games alone just to learn the game and then try to explain it to the other players. To play the game, you will need at least 3 players. Each player must chose a character. After the human characters are chosen, you must chose computer players until the total number of players equal 6. You will have the choice of playing three cases: Bone appetite - This is the easy case, it is only necessary to find the Item and Weapon that the murderer had possession of. In the other two cases, players must find the Item and Weapon the murderer used as well as the identity of the murderer. Wen the game begins, player 1 will go first. Player 1 will have these choices: 1. Roll - roll the dice 2. Inventory - displays the clue cards that player 1 has found. Wen you first click on inventory, if you have collected any clues, they will appear face down so no one else can see what clue you have found. To view the clue, make sure none of the other players are looking at the screen and click on the back of the card. The card will then flip over revealing the clue. Click the card again to flip the card back over. Wen you are done, click on the "done" button and the inventory window will disappear. 3. Note - display player 1's notes. This is used to check off any clues that you have found. The first column is used o check off any weapons of items that you have found. The next 8 columns are used to check off whether or not a particular character had possession of a particular item or weapon. DO NOT LET ANY OF THE OTHER PLAYERS SEE YOUR NOTES! The 8 columns are marked: D - David J - Jourdan M - Micheline R - Robert N - Norbert K - Kimberly A - Angelo G - Gina After Player 1 rolls a DI will be displayed showing what the player has rolled. Player 1 can now move the specified number of spaces. You can move your pawn by clicking on the direction arrows in the lower right hand corner of the screen or by pressing the arrows on your keyboard. After you have finished moving your pawn, if you have not entered a room, you will have 2 new choices. 1. End Turn - Ends player 1's turn and begins player 2's turn 2. Solve - If you feel that you have enough information to solve the case, then click on solve and you will get the chance to prove your theory. All the players can watch this. If you enter a room you will have the following choices: 1. Search - clicking on this will bring up a list of items in that particular room that you can search. If no one has searched the area that you decide to search, you will find a clue card. Your clue card will be put in your inventory. DO NOT LET ANY ONE ELSE SEE YOUR CLUES! After all the clues have been found, a pop-up message will inform all the players that all the clues have been found. After you find a clue, you should check it off in you notes. DO NOT LET ANY OF THE OTHER PLAYERS SEE YOUR NOTES! 2. Accuse - This allows you to specify what weapon or item the murderer had possession of. If any of the players have found the item or possession that you think the murderer had then they will be able to prove you wrong and you will get a message like "player 14 has evidence that proves you wrong". YOU SHOULD NOT ACUSE UNTILL ALL THE CLUES HAVE BEEN FOUND. ********************************************** After all the clues have been found... ********************************************** After all the clues have been found, a message will display informing the players that there are no more clues. Now it is possible to find the murderer. Wen you enter a room, you will now have the ability to question. Wen you click on question, you will be able to question the character that was in that particular room during the time of the murder. You can ask the character two questions. 1. What item did you have - The character will answer with a "I had possession of..." or "I did not have possession of..." comment. DO NOT LET ANY OF THE OTHER PLAYERS SEE THE CHARACTERS ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION. Questioning a character will determine whether the character is guilty or innocent. Example - if you ask Robert, "what weapon did you have?" and Robert replies "I had the crow bar". If you have already found the crow bar or know that the murderer did not have the crow bar (through accusing) then you know that Robert could not have been the murderer. NOTE*** there are 8 rooms and 6 players, therefor 2 rooms will have been empty and you will not be able to question anyone in these 2 rooms. Wen you have found the necessary evidence, solve the case. If you are correct, click on "End Turn" and you will see the ending, if you are wrong, then you will be tossed out of the game and your clues will be replaced in the mansion and the other players will be able to search again and find them. ********************************************** Submitting comments, questions or problems about this game. ********************************************** If you would like to submit a comment or question please send email it to If you are having a problem, type an email containing the problem and the following information and email it to - please mark the subject - problem Name____________________________________ Email Address_____________________________ Computer Type and Speed (i.e. 486/66mhz, Pentium/120mhz, etc.)____________ Operating System (i.e. Windows 3.x, Windows 95, etc.)___________________ Display Settings (i.e. 256 colors 640x480, 16million colors, 640x480, etc.)_______________ Any other information that you think will be useful______________________