1/17/95 Win-Flash Version 1.0 ******* INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ******* 17 Files included with this program. Copy the following files to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM Directory: (Some of these files my already by on your system, if so, copy these only if they have a later date.) THREED.VBX 6/10/94 MMSYSTEM.DLL 3/10/92 CMDIALOG.VBX 4/28/93 COMMDLG.DLL 12/31/93 SPIN.VBX 4/28/93 WINFLASH.INI Win-Flash will create this file, however, copying this file will set the sound options for you. Copy these remaining files to a directory of your choice: PARENT.DAT WINFLASH.HLP WINFLASH.EXE CHIMES.WAV OHOH.WAV POWERUP.WAV POWERDWN.WAV OVATION3.WAV CLAP3SEC.WAV FOGBLAST.WAV COMPUTE.WAV Files needed for this program: VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic run time DLL Ver 3.0 (This file may be downloaded from various BBS's, or changes are you already have it on your system.) End README.TXT