USE "WORD WRAP" (in EDIT menu above) TO VIEW THIS FILE PROPERLY BASICS: Welcome to interactive Virtual Drums. You can play the drums by clicking on them with either your left or right mouse buttons. On a 2 button mouse, you can do drum rolls by using both mouse buttons in quick succession. On a 3 button mouse use the left and right buttons. Virtual Drums is available for both the PC and the Mac. We've found that people usually have the most fun by playing along with the radio or records. TECHIE STUFF: You should make sure that no other programs are open at the same time and that your screen resolution is set to 640 x 480 x 256 colors (the standard for multimedia). If not already set this way, you can usually change it in Windows Setup under "display" or from the icon for your video card (which is sometimes in the Control Panel program group and sometimes in its own program group). You will also need a sound card in order to hear the drums. Virtual Drums comes with its own drum sounds so it doesn't matter what kind of sound card you have. Playing the drums will be more fun if your mouse is clean (no dust or dirt on the little ball at the bottom of the mouse). Even mouse pads differ in how well they let you quickly slide the mouse to different parts of the screen. If you are having difficulty doing fast drum rolls you can also experiment with the click speed of the mouse in the "mouse" section of the Control Panel. If your Windows PC has only 4 megabytes of RAM, you may notice a very slight delay the first time you hit one of the drums. This usually happens on only one or two drums and after the first hit it resumes its normal response speed. SHAREWARE Virtual Drums is shareware. This means you can try it out free for 21 days after which it expires. If you find you like it and would like to register and get the full version -- which includes your name on the kick drum, animated motion of the skins and cymbals when you hit them and also the ability to play the drums from your computer keyboard as well as other enhancements (additional sounds are planned, including Virtual Percussion) -- send $20 to the address below. We will then send you the full version and keep you informed of enhancements as they become available. If you have any questions about Virtual Drums or if you'd like a custom name put on the kick drum for promotional purposes, we can be reached at (818) 248-1047. MultiMedia Magic 5412 Ocean View Blvd La Canada, CA 91011 Compuserve: 71303,2667