USE "WORD WRAP" (in EDIT menu above) TO VIEW THIS FILE PROPERLY Welcome to interactive Virtual Drums. You can play the drums by clicking on them with either your left or right mouse buttons. With a 2 button mouse, you can do drum rolls by using both mouse buttons in quick succession. It's a lot of fun to play the drums along with the radio or records. INSTALLATION: 1) Make sure that the Windows Program Manager is open. If you are using Norton Desktop or PC Tools for Windows as your main program interface, open the Windows Program Manager. 2) Open the File Manager and double-click on "install.exe". 3) The program will self-install. Answer "yes" to the questions that you will get asked. The program will copy the files to a directory that it will create called "Virtdrum". It will then create a program group and an icon for you to double-click on. The program will not alter any of your files and it includes an uninstall icon. It takes up 1 megabyte on your hard disk. If you have any questions about installing Virtual Drums, we can be reached at (818) 248-1047. MultiMedia Magic 5412 Ocean View Blvd La Canada, CA 91011 Compuserve: 71303,2667