Num_Demos=4&demoname1=FREEDOM FORCE&processor1=300&demorating1=teen&RAM1=64&API1=Yes&exclusive1=1&HD1=120&demourl1= Gamer Exclusive! There is no single game that the office is more jazzed about right now than Freedom Force. You read our glowing review last month, and now this month we are bringing the demo of Irrational's brilliant new superhero strategy combat game. This demo lets you play two levels as well as create your own superhero. How cool is that?&gameDX1=8&demopub1=Electronic Arts&demodev1=Irrational Games&demopath1=Demos/FreedomForce/Freedom_Force_Demo_lg.exe&readmepath1=Demos/FreedomForce/readme.txt&demoname2=MOBILE FORCES&processor2=450&demorating2=pending&RAM2=128&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=175&demourl2= team-based multiplayer combat with vehicles seems to be the future, here's Rage's addition to the party, Mobile Forces. This single map, online demo lets you snipe, bomb, drive and crush the opposing team in your bid to control a fort. &gameDX2=8.0&demopub2=Rage&demodev2=Rage&demopath2=Demos/MobileForces/MobileForcesdemo.exe&readmepath2=Demos/MobileForces/readme.txt&demoname3=SUPERPOWER&processor3=200&demorating3=everyone&RAM3=64&API3=No&exclusive3=0&HD3=185&demourl3='ve read our review in this issue, but you're still not certain. That's ok, we like a person who is willing to do their own thinking. So fire up this demo of Superpower, the game of global conquest, and see if you can rule the world.&gameDX3=8&demopub3=DreamCatcher&demodev3=Golem Labs&demopath3=Demos/Superpower/SuperPowerDemoPCGamer.exe&readmepath3=Demos/Superpower/readme.txt&demoname4=RICOCHET&processor4=300&demorating4=everyone&RAM4=32&API4=Yes&exclusive4=0&HD4=7&demourl4= can we say? We're suckers for old school gameplay. Ricochet is a brick-and-paddle style game in the tradition of Arkanoid. Just keep the ball going and bust them bricks. And, hey, it's only 7 MB, so why not install it?&gameDX4=7&demopub4=Reflexive&demodev4=Reflexive&demopath4=Demos/Ricochet/RicochetSetup.exe&readmepath4=Demos/Ricochet/readme.txt&