Num_Demos=7&demoname1=WIZARDRY 8&processor1=333&demorating1=teen&RAM1=64&API1=Yes&exclusive1=0&HD1=200&demourl1= 145MB demo! Now's your chance to explore the latest incarnation of the greatest RPG in the history of PCs. This demo for Wizardry 8 gives you a party of 5th level characters as you explore a small section of the beginning of the game. See the readme.doc for all the details.&gameDX1=8&demopub1=EB&demodev1=Sir-Tech Canada&demopath1=Demos/Wizardry8/Wiz8NetDemoEB.exe&readmepath1=Demos/Wizardry8/Readme.doc&demoname2=DARK PLANET&processor2=600&demorating2=pending&RAM2=64&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=120&demourl2= Gamer Exclusive! Scope out the next generation of 3D RTS titles with Dark Planet. This demo lets you play one level as the human Colonists as you battle against the reptilian Sorins in a do-or-die search and rescue mission. Check it out.&gameDX2=8&demopub2=Ubi Soft&demodev2=Creative Edge Software&demopath2=Demos/darkplanet/DPdemo.exe&readmepath2=Demos/darkplanet/readme.txt&demoname3=MECHWARRIOR 4 BK MULTIPLAYER&processor3=300&demorating3=teen&RAM3=64&API3=Yes&exclusive3=0&HD3=225&demourl3= the key and turn the ignition on one of the most intense multiplayer battles on the 'net today. MechWarrior 4: Black Knight is the expansion pack to Microsoft's brilliant Mechwarrior 4 game, and this is your chance to kneecap some friends. This demo features one terrain and several of the new mechs and does support bots. So what are you waiting for?&gameDX3=8&demopub3=Microsoft&demodev3=Cyber Lore Studios&demopath3=Demos/Mechwarrior4BK/MW4BKmpd.exe&readmepath3=Demos/Mechwarrior4BK/readme.doc&demoname4=WINBRICKOUT&processor4=133&demorating4=everyone&RAM4=32&API4=No&exclusive4=0&HD4=9&demourl4= of those enormous demos with their heavy system requirements and steep learning curves? Then check out this shareware take on the classic Breakout formula. WinBrickOut is a cool little game with some interesting twists on familiar gameplay. And hey, it won't lock up your system.&gameDX4=5&demopub4=Leapfrog Software&demodev4=Leapfrog Software&demopath4=Demos/winbrickout/WinBrickoutPackage.exe&readmepath4=Demos/winbrickout/Readme.txt&demoname5=EB WORLDS&processor5=133&demorating5=everyone&RAM5=32&API5=No&exclusive5=0&HD5=30&demourl5= You're on your own with this one. EB Worlds is a basic little program that lets you put together basic little games. Give it a go. If you want.&gameDX5=&demopub5=EB&demodev5=Stagecast&demopath5=Demos/Worldsdemo/SetupEBWorldsDemo.exe&readmepath5=Demos/worldsdemo/readme.txt&demoname6=ZOMBIE SMASHERS&processor6=133&demorating6=pending&RAM6=32&API6=Yes&exclusive6=0&HD6=15&demourl6= couple of months ago we put a truly crapful game on the disc about our hardware editor, Vederman. Since none of you complained loudly enough, we let Vederman put another one of his "finds" on the disc: Zombie Smashers. This little side-scroller is in the tradition of "Streets of Rage" as it were programmed by Sam Raimi. Strangely, this game is kinda fun. Check out his website too, if you've got nothing better to do.&gameDX6=7&demopub6=Totally Screwed Software&demodev6=Totally Screwed Software&demopath6=Demos/zombiesmashers/zsxv105.exe&readmepath6=Demos/&demoname7=NASCAR RACING 2002&processor7=266&demorating7=everyone&RAM7=64&API7=Yes&exclusive7=0&HD7=75&demourl7= a spin around Atlanta in the latest installment of the superb NASCAR series. This demo lets you calibrate your controls before you hit the track for some testing or single player fun. It also features the excellent replay features from the full game. Fire it up!&gameDX7=8&demopub7=Sierra&demodev7=Papyrus&demopath7=Demos/Nascar/NR2002_demo.exe&readmepath7=Demos/nascar/readme.txt&