1 True Internet Color® Setup 2 Can't find WordPad to print the registration form. 3 Ensure your printer is on line and ready.\nThen press OK to print the E-Color registration form. 4 You will be reminded to register in %d days. 5 Become eligible to receive valuable e-commerce coupons! 6 You will be reminded to register everyday. 7 Please check the registration form.\nDid it print correctly? 8 Your information is confidential and for E-Color registration purposes only. 16 www.ecolor.com 17 www.colorific.com 18 www.3deep.com 19 www.trueinternetcolor.com 20 Close dialog and setup later 21 Connect and setup now 22 Setup later 23 Continue with setup 24 Close dialog and exit from setup 25 Send registration form through Internet 26 Print registration form 27 Register later 32 Congratulations!\n\nYou have been registered by E-Color server. 33 Can't Read. 34 Can't Connect. 35 Bad Request. 36 Server didn't answer. 37 Can't open Internet or HTTP handle. 38 Can't launch Browser. 39 Time Out. 40 Unknown Error.