1024 Microsoft network 9051 Windows cannot find a NetWare network. 9150 An attempt made to establish a session to a network server failed. Possibly server is out of memory. 9155 Operation can not be completed on this connection 9156 The volume name or path is not valid for this server. Make sure you are specifying an accurate name or path, and then try again. 9192 Login denied - no account privileges 9193 Login denied - no account balance 9194 Login denied - credit limit exceeded 9195 Login denied - too many holds 9196 Login denied - account disabled 9197 Login denied - intruder detection lockout 9209 The print queue name is not valid. Make sure you are specifying an accurate name for the print queue, and then try again. 9214 No job rights 9217 Login denied. Attempting to simultaneously login to too many work stations. The number of active connections you may have is limited. 9218 Login denied - time restricted 9219 Login denied - station restricted 9220 Login denied - account disabled 9241 Invalid bindery security 9250 An attempt made to establish a session to a network server failed. Possibly there are too many sessions established to that server. 9254 Login denied - bindery locked 10001 The NetWare-compatible shell is not available. 10002 Network error. 10003 The password or user name you specified is not valid for this resource. 10004 This server is not attached. 10005 You are attached to this server, but not logged in. 10006 You are logged in to the server %1 with user name %2, connection number %3. 10007 You have detached from the server. 10008 You have logged out from the server. 10009 You are logged in to this server. \n Do you want to log out first ? 10010 You were unable to log out. A program may still be using this server. 10011 An unexplained error occurred while your computer tried to access server %1. 10012 Your attempt to log in was not successful. Please try again. 10013 Type your password to log in to the server. 10014 Your attempt to log in to the server was not successful. Please try again. 10015 Windows cannot find the master server for the workgroup. 10016 The workgroup master server is not available. 10017 This user name is not valid for this server 10018 The server is not available. Do you want to continue logging in ? \n 10019 The password for %2 on %1 has expired. You can log in %3 times before changing it. 10020 Your password on %1 has expired. You can log in %3 more times before changing it.\n To change your password, contact your network administrator. 10021 The password for %2 on %1 has expired. To change your password, contact your network administrator. 10022 The server name you specified is not valid or server is not available. 10023 If you log out from this server, you will no longer be connected to shared resources on it. Are you sure you want to log out now? 10024 An unexplained error occurred while your computer tried to access the network. For more information, contact your network administrator. 10025 Your attempt to attach to the server was not successful. 10026 You do not have the access rights needed to attach to this server. For more information, contact your network administrator. 10027 The server %1 is not configured for remote administration. 10028 The password you specified is incorrect. 10029 The server %1 could not be found on the network. 10031 The server %1 is not configured to accept remote requests. 10032 Remote Administration of this server requires file and printer sharing for NetWare. To enable this service, double-click the Network icon in Control Panel. 10033 The computer %1 is configured for user-level access control and cannot be administered from this computer, which is configured for share-level access control. 10034 The sharing services installed on %1 do not match the sharing services installed on this computer. 10105 %1\SYS\PUBLIC\CONFIG.POL 10106 You can use Net Watcher to see what folders are shared on %1 and who is using them over the network. 10107 You can use System Monitor to see disk access and network use on %1. 10108 You can use Administer to change the settings on %1. 10109 Not logged in 10110 You cannot access your own computer over the network. To complete this operation, either use the path on your own drive (for example, C:\ ) or use My Computer. 10111 You are unable to log on to this server at this time. Please try again later. 10112 Please go to the Command Prompt and run Setpass (located in SYS\PUBLIC on NetWare servers) to change your password or contact your network administrator. 10114 Your password has expired. 10115 Logging out 10116 Login &Server: 10117 GUEST 10118 WhoAmI Information 10119 Properties for %1 10120 NetWare Servers 10121 The user name is not valid. You can try "Guest" for default access. 10122 Device name is out of range allowed 10123 You still have connections with open files. You can't login with different user name 10124 NetWare connections 10201 &Who Am I 10202 &Log Out 10203 &Attach As... 10204 &Who Am I 10205 A&llow Pass Through 10251 Displays the status of your connection to the server. 10252 Logs your computer out from the server. 10253 Establishes a connection to the server. 10254 Displays a list of your connections to NetWare servers.