# # karmavar.txt # # Controls display of karmas in character editor. # # format of each line is: # # gvar, pic, name, description # # where: # # gvar is the GVAR_* number for the variable corresponding to the karma. # # pic is the number of the skilldex art (line number in art\skilldex\skilldex.lst) # # name is the number of the message in editor.msg with the karma name. # # description is the number of the message in editor.msg with the karma description. # # GVAR_PLAYER_REPUTATION 0, 48, 1000, 1100 # GVAR_BERSERKER_REPUTATION 3, 49, 1001, 1101 # GVAR_CHAMPION_REPUTATION 2, 51, 1002, 1102 # GVAR_CHILDKILLER_REPUTATION 1, 50, 1003, 1103 # GVAR_REPUTATION_SLAVER 11, 148, 1020, 1120 # GVAR_GRAVES_UNEARTHED 319, 133, 1016, 1116 # GVAR_SEXPERT 588, 130, 1013, 1113 # GVAR_GIGALO 589, 132, 1015, 1115 # GVAR_MADE_MAN_SALVATORE 591, 138, 1017, 1117 # GVAR_PLAYER_MARRIED 6, 139, 1018, 1118 # GVAR_NEW_RENO_PORN_STAR 232, 143, 1019, 1119 # GVAR_DUDE_VIRGIN 590, 151, 1021, 1121 # GVAR_NEW_RENO_HAS_REP_PRIZEFIGHTER 259, 131, 1014, 1114 # GVAR_MADE_MAN_BISHOP 592, 138, 1022, 1122 # GVAR_MADE_MAN_MORDINO 593, 138, 1023, 1123 # GVAR_MADE_MAN_WRIGHT 594, 138, 1024, 1124 # GVAR_PLAYER_WAS_MARRIED 449, 174, 1025, 1125