Race the Monkey Race the Monkey was conceived, designed and developed by Big Ape Productions, a division of SIMIAN (Simian Interactive Multimedia Internet Action Networks). Address all questions to: Big Ape Productions 1 Big Kahoona Drive Azure Libro City Republic of Azure Libro or try our U.S. affiliate at: Big Ape Productions c/o Imagine Publishing 150 North Hill Drive Brisbane CA, 94005 Credits: Original Game Concept: Coconut Monkey Lead Producer: Coconut Monkey Game Designer: Coconut Monkey AI Programming: Coconut Monkey Lead Artist: Coconut Monkey Voice Actor: Coconut Monkey Sound Alchemist: Coconut Monkey Manual Writer: Coconut Monkey I would also like to extend a special thanks to myself, Coconut Monkey, for working long and hard on this project and making the whole thing possible. Thanks CM! I couldn't have done it without me! Freeware: This is a freeware program, you may distribute it however you wish as long as you leave these files intact.