:Base Opart.HLP :Title The Operational Art of War, Volume I 1 THE OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR, VOLUME I 2 Introduction=Introduction 2 Starting the Game=Starting_the_Game 2 Rules and Programmed Opponent Options=Rules_and_Programmed_Opponent_Options 2 INTERFACE CONVENTIONS 3 General Usage=General_Usage 3 A Very Important Note About the Interface=A_Very_Important_Note 3 The Window Frame=Common_Screen_Elements_The_Window_Frame 3 The Map Panel=The_Map_Panel 3 The Information Panel=The_Information_Panel 3 The Microview Panel=The_Microview_Panel 3 The Control Panel=The_Control_Panel 3 The Unit Panel=The_Unit_Panel 2 PLAYING THE GAME 3 GAME DEFINITIONS 4 The Map Edge=The_Map_Edge 4 The Theater=The_Theater 4 Equipment=Equipment 4 Forces=Force 4 Formations=Formation 4 Formation Support Scope=Formation_Support_Scope_Effects 4 The Current Unit=The_Current_Unit 4 The Current Force=The_Current_Force 4 The Current Formation=The_Current_Formation 4 Order of Battle=Order_of_Batttle 4 Local Force Limits ("Grouping")=Local_Force_Limits_Grouping 4 Orders Scope=Orders_Scope 4 Play by Email=Play_by_Email 4 Victory=Victory 4 UNITS 5 What is a Unit?=Unit 5 Unit Strengths and Capabilities=Unit_Strengths_and_Capabilities 5 Unit Experience and Proficiency=Unit_Experience_and_Proficiency 5 Unit Readiness=Unit_Readiness 5 Unit Morale=Unit_Morale 5 Unit Quality=Unit_Quality 5 Unit Deployment Orders=Unit_Deployment_Orders 5 Unit Loss Tolerance Orders=Unit_Loss_Tolerance_Orders 5 Division into Sub Units=Division_into_Sub_Units 5 Unit Special Capabilities=Unit_Special_Capabilities 5 Assigned Equipment=Assigned_Equipment 5 Authorized Equipment=Authorized_Equipment 3 WHAT HAPPENS DURING A GAME TURN 4 What Happens During a Game Turn=What_Happens_During_a_Game_Turn 4 THE GAME PERFORMS AUTOMATIC BOOKKEEPING 5 Automatic Bookkeeping=The_Game_Performs_Automatic_Bookkeeping 5 End of Scenario Check=End_of_Scenario_Check 5 Out of Theater Events=Out_of_Theater_Events 5 Climate and Weather=Climate_and_Weather 5 Local Patrols and Guerillas=Local_Patrols_and_Guerillas 5 Replacements=Replacements1 5 Rest=Rest 5 Command and Control=Command_and_Control 5 THEATER AIR SUPERIORITY AND INTERDICTION 6 Theater Air Superiority and Interdiction=Theater_Air_Superiority_and_Interdiction 6 Air Superiority=Air_Superiority 6 Interdiction=Interdiction 5 INTELLIGENCE GATHERING 6 Intelligence Gathering=Intelligence_Gathering 6 Levels of Information=Levels_of_Information 6 Reconnaissance Assets=Reconnaissance_Assets 6 Intelligence Updates=Intelligence_Updates 5 SUPPLY 6 Supply=Supply1 6 Supply Lines=Supply_Lines 6 Lines of Communication=Lines_of_Communication 6 Unit Supply=Unit_Supply 6 Formation Supply Distribution Efficiency=Formation_Supply_Distribution_Efficiency 6 Force Supply Stockpile=Force_Supply_Stockpile 6 Transport Asset Sharing=Transport_Asset_Sharing 6 Theater Interdiction Effects=Theater_Interdiction_Effects 6 Local Terrain Effects=Local_Terrain_Effects 6 HQ Bias Effects=HQ_Bias_Effects 6 Airborne Re-supply=Airborne_Re_supply 6 Night Re-Supply=Night_Re_Supply 6 Other Considerations=Other_Considerations 6 Supply on the First Turn of a Scenario=Supply_on_the_First_Turn_of_a_Scenario 5 REINFORCEMENTS AND WITHDRAWALS 6 Reinforcements and Withdrawals=Reinforcements_and_Withdrawals 6 Land Units=Land_Units 6 Naval Units=Naval_Units 6 Air Units=Air_Units 6 Withdrawals=Withdrawals 4 YOU ISSUE ORDERS TO YOUR FORCES 5 You Issue Orders to Your Forces=You_Issue_Orders_to_Your_Forces 5 Variable Initiative=Variable_Initiative 5 Control Panel Buttons=Control_Panel_Buttons 5 Giving Orders to Your Units=Giving_Orders_to_Your_Units 5 Movement to Distant Locations=Movement_to_Distant_Locations 5 Land Movement=Land_Movement 5 Change of Ownership=Change_of_Ownership 5 Railroad Damage=Railroad_Damage 5 Transit Attrition=Transit_Attrition 5 Interdiction Strikes=Interdiction_Strikes 5 Supply Consumption=Supply_Consumption 5 Disengagement=Disengagement 5 Attack Popup Menus and Attack Planning=Attack_Popup_Menus_and_Attack_Planning 5 Attack Deployment=Attack_Deployment 5 Retreat Before Combat=Retreat_Before_Combat 5 Attack Options=Attack_Options 5 Reconnaissance=Reconnaissance 5 Naval Movement=Naval_Movement 5 Air Movement=Air_Movement 5 Railroad Movement=Railroad_Movement 5 Seaborne Movement=Seaborne_Movement 5 Airborne Movement=Airborne_Movement 5 Movement Costs and Allowances=Movement_Costs_and_Allowances 5 Land Unit Movement Costs=Land_Unit_Movement_Costs 5 River Movement Costs=River_Movement_Costs 5 Engineering 6 Bridge building / demolition=Bridge_building_demolition 6 Fording Support=Fording_Support 6 Major Fording Support=Major_Fording_Support 6 Fortification=Fortification 6 Railroad Repair=Railroad_Repair 4 ALL BATTLES ARE RESOLVED 5 All Battles Are Resolved=All_Battles_Are_Resolved 5 Airfield Defense=Airfield_Defense 5 Air and Naval Units in Land Combat=Air_and_Naval_Units_in_Land_Combat 5 Atomic Attacks=Atomic_Attacks 5 Battlefield Reconnaissance=Battlefield_Reconnaissance 5 Target Density=Target_Density 5 Supporting Long Range Fire=Supporting_Long_Range_Fire 5 Environmental Effects on Combat=Environmental_Effects_on_Combat 5 Observation=Observation 5 Defensive Anti-Armor Strengths=Defensive_Anti_Armor_Strengths 5 Defensive Anti Personnel Strengths=Defensive_Anti_Personnel_Strengths 5 Defensive Strengths of Vehicles=Defensive_Strengths_of_Vehicles 5 Defensive Strengths of Infantry (Infantry, Infantry weapons)=Defensive_Strengths_of_Infantry_Infantry_Infantry_weapons 5 Defensive Strengths of Static Equipment=Defensive_Strengths_of_Static_Equipment 5 Attacking Unit Strengths=Attacking_Unit_Strengths 5 Escarpments=Escarpments 5 Visibility=Visibility 5 Night and Day=Night_and_Day 5 Flanks and Rear Areas=Flanks_and_Rear_Areas 5 Retreats=Retreats 5 Attack Complexity (Defined)=Attack_Complexity_Defined 5 Amphibious Attacks=Amphibious_Attacks 5 Airborne Attacks=Airborne_Attacks 5 Effects of Entraining Units=Effects_of_Entraining_Units 4 AFTER THE FIGHTING 5 Your entire force movement allowances are adjusted=Your_entire_force_movement_allowances_are_adjusted 5 Turnover=Turnover 5 The Turn Ends=The_Turn_Ends 2 GAME DISPLAYS 3 The Mouse Cursor=The_Mouse_Cursor 3 Unit Health Indicators=Unit_Health_Indicators 3 Standard Unit Icons=Standard_Unit_Icons 3 INFORMATION AND PLAYER AIDS 4 The Unit Report=The_Unit_Report 4 The Formation Report=The_Formation_Report1 4 The Air Units Report=The_Air_Units_Report 4 The Attack Planning Dialog=The_Attack_Planning_Dialog 4 The Situation Briefing=The_Situation_Briefing 4 The Scenario Briefing=The_Scenario_Briefing1 4 The Air Briefing=The_Air_Briefing 4 The Weather Briefing=The_Weather_Briefing 4 The Expected Reinforcements Briefing=The_Expected_Reinforcements_Briefing 4 The Recent Reinforcements Briefing=The_Recent_Reinforcements_Briefing 4 The Inventory and Replacements Briefing=The_Inventory_and_Replacements_Briefing 4 Recent News=Recent_News 3 THE MENU 4 The File Menu=The_File_Menu 4 The Play Menu=The_Play_Menu 4 The View Menu=The_View_Menu 4 The Help Menu=The_Help_Menu 4 The Sound Menu=The_Sound_Menu 4 The Edit Menu=The_Edit_Menu 2 CREATING SCENARIOS WITH THE SCENARIO EDITOR 3 Creating Scenarios With the Scenario Editor=Creating_Scenarios_With_the_Scenario_Editor 3 The Scenario=The_Scenario 3 The Calendar Editor=The_Calendar_Editor 3 Set the Microview Icon Colors and 3d Icon Tints=Set_the_Microview_Icon_Colors_and_3d_Icon_Tints 3 THE MAP EDITOR 4 The Map Editor=The_Map_Editor 4 The Map Editor Control Panel=The_Map_Editor_Control_Panel 4 Map Editor Definitions 5 The Current Terrain=The_Current_Terrain 5 The Map Editor Draw Mode=The_Map_Editor_Draw_Mode 5 How to Edit a Map=How_to_Edit_a_Map 5 A Sample Map Editing Session=A_Sample_Map_Editing_Session 3 THE FORCE EDITOR 4 The Force Editor=The_Force_Editor 4 Force Editor Editing Focus=The_Force_Editor_Editing_Focus 4 Force Editor Unit Control Panel=The_Unit_Control_Panel 4 Force Editor General Control Panel=The_General_Control_Panel 4 Force Editor Available Systems Control Panel=Available_Systems_Control_Panel 4 Force Editor Current Force Control Panel=Current_Force_Control_Panel 4 Force Editor Current Formation Control Panel=Current_Formation_Control_Panel 4 How to Edit a Force=How_to_Edit_a_Force 4 Advanced Force Editor Functions=Advanced_Force_Editor_Functions 3 THE ENVIRONMENT EDITOR 4 The Environment Editor=The_Environment_Editor 4 Weather Zones=Weather_Zones 3 THE EVENT EDITOR 4 Introduction to the Event Engine=Introduction_to_the_Event_Engine 4 The Structure of an Event=The_Structure_of_an_Event 4 Event Triggers=Event_Triggers 4 Event Effects=Event_Effects 4 Using the Event Editor to Create an Event List=Using_the_Event_Editor_to_Create_an_Event_List 4 The New Scenario Event Template=The_New_Scenario_Event_Template 4 Default Events=Default_Events 3 THE REPLACEMENT EDITOR 4 The Replacement Editor=The_Replacement_Editor 4 Default Replacements=Default_Replacements 4 Equipment Transitions=Equipment_Transitions1 3 THE DEPLOYMENT EDITOR 4 The Deployment Editor=The_Deployment_Editor 4 The Deployment Editor Control Panel=The_Deployment_Editor_Control_Panel 4 The Deployment Mode=The_Deployment_Mode 4 The Formation Report=The_Formation_Report 4 Formation Orders=Formation_Orders 4 Formation Loss Tolerance=Formation_Loss_Tolerance 4 Formation Objectives=Formation_Objectives1 4 Deployment for airborne ops=Deployment_for_airborne_ops 4 Deployment for amphibious ops=Deployment_for_amphibious_ops 4 How to Deploy Your Forces=How_to_Deploy_Your_Forces 3 CREATE SCENARIO AND VICTORY BRIEFINGS 4 The Scenario Briefing=The_Scenario_Briefing 4 Victory Briefings=Victory_Briefings 4 The Briefing Editor=The_Briefing_Editor 3 GENERAL NOTES ON SCENARIO CREATION 4 Use the Scenario Dump Feature=Use_the_Scenario_Dump_Feature 4 Talk to other scenario designers=Talk_to_other_scenario_designers 4 Study dumps of the existing scenarios=Study_dumps_of_the_existing_scenarios 4 The Event Engine=The_Event_Engine 4 Make it Fit=Make_it_Fit 4 Maps=Maps 4 Unit Deployments and Air Unit Missions=Unit_Deployments_and_Air_Unit_Missions 4 Forces=Forces 4 Scenario Briefing Bitmap=Scenario_Briefing_Bitmap 4 Suggested Force, Formation, and Unit Characteristics Settings=Suggested_Force,_Formation,_and_Unit_Characteristics_Settings 4 FORMATIONS 5 General Organization=General_Organization 5 Support Levels=Support_Levels 5 Internal Support=Internal_Support 5 Army Support=Army_Support 5 Force Support=Force_Support 5 Free Support=Free_Support 5 FORMATION OBJECTIVES 6 Intermediate objectives=Intermediate_objectives 6 Values and victory=Values_and_victory 4 UNITS 5 Authorized and assigned equipment=Authorized_and_assigned_equipment 5 Untried vs. Veteran Status=Untried_vs._Veteran_Status 5 Supply levels=Supply_levels 5 Deployment status=Deployment_status 5 SIGNIFICANCE OF UNIT ICONS 6 Unit type symbols=Unit_type_symbols 6 Unit Standard Icon Colors=Unit_Standard_Icon_Colors 6 Replacements=Replacements 6 Equipment Transitions=Equipment_Transitions 6 Event Replacement Multiplier Effects=Event_Replacement_Multiplier_Effects 4 SUPPLY 5 Supply Points=Supply_Points 5 Differing supply levels: forces vs. formations vs. units.=Differing_supply_levels_forces_vs._formations_vs._units. 5 Transport asset sharing.=Transport_asset_sharing. 5 Event Supply Modifier Effects=Event_Supply_Modifier_Effects 2 APPENDICES 3 Unit Types=Unit_Types 3 CALCULATIONS 4 Equipment Density=Equipment_Density 4 Unit Quality Calculation=Unit_Quality_Calculation 4 Unit Combat Strength Calculation=Unit_Combat_Strength_Calculation 3 GAME HINTS 4 Using Air Units=Using_Air_Units 4 Combat Planning Considerations=Combat_Planning_Considerations 4 Atomic Bombs=Atomic_Bombs 4 Keeping Your Units Supplied=Keeping_Your_Units_Supplied