--------------------------------------------------------------- REDJACK: REVENGE OF THE BRETHREN RELEASE NOTES (WINDOWS) 4/16/98 ---- WELCOME--------------------------------------------------- Thank you for trying the "Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren" Demo. These release notes contain information on installing Redjack, some general tips, and a list of known problems. For more information on installing and troubleshooting problems with RedJack, please first see the install notes on the inside of the CD liner. ---- TECHNICAL SUPPORT --------------------------------------- Most problems can be solved with the information in this ReadMe text file. If you need additional assistance please call: THQ Consumer Service Department 818-225-5167 9am to 5pm Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday. For gameplay related hints please call: THQ Hint line 900-370-HINT ---- INSTALLING THE REDJACK DEMO ------------------------------ WINDOWS 95, WINDOWS NT 4.0, AND LATER: Double-click on 'setup.exe' and follow the on-screen instructions. WINDOWS NT 3.51: 1. Insert the demo cd in your CD-ROM drive. 2. In Program Manager, select "File/Run" from the menu. 3. Type D:REDJACK\SETUP where "D:" is the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive. 4. Select "Install Redjack" from the window that appears. 5. Follow the on-screen instructions. ---- KEYBOARD COMMANDS ----------------------------------------- While playing the Windows version of Redjack, you can use the following keys: Esc Skip animation or movies Spacebar Bring up the control panel Arrow keys Control player navigation, these are editable Ctrl 0 thru Ctrl 9 Set sound volume, Ctrl 0 = off, Ctrl 9 = loud Ctrl Q Quit the game and return to the main menu Ctrl + Increase/decrease the brightness of the screen Ctrl - Increase/decrease the brightness of the screen ---- GENERAL TIPS ---------------------------------------------- INSTALL DIRECTX Redjack needs Microsoft's DirectX Version 3.0 or greater to operate in Windows 95, but we do not automatically install this software for you. This is because DirectX replaces your sound and video drivers with the most current versions, and this could potentially cause problems on some machines, see the note on removing DirectX below. Many computers already have DirectX, so you probably will not need to install it unless Redjack doesn't work. If you would like to install DirectX, Version 5 has been provided on Redjack Disc 1. To install, double click on the icon "My Computer" in the upper left of your screen. Right click on your Redjack CD entitled "RJDisk1" and choose the option "Open" from the pop-up menu. Open the folder "DirectX", and again the folder "DirectX" inside of that. Locate the "dxsetup.exe" program, run it, and follow the on-screen instructions. CHECK YOUR HARD DISK Redjack requires 65 MB of local hard disk space for installation. The game will also take advantage of up to 250 MB of additional space for temporary usage. Having this space available on your hard disk ensures that Redjack will run as fast as possible and with the most detailed graphics. Hard disks can become corrupted or fragmented for a variety of reasons. If you are experiencing problems when Redjack is installed or during gameplay when files are copied to your hard disk we recommend using a commercial hard disk utility to verify and defragment your disk. ADJUST YOUR COLOR PALETTE Your computer may run Redjack faster in "High Color" mode, but "True Color" will look better. To adjust this before playing, right click your desktop and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu that appears, then choose the "Settings" tab. Select "High Color" or "True Color" from the "Color Palette" menu, sometimes these items are referred to as "16 Bit Color" or "32 Bit Color." Then run RedJack. The color palette can also be adjusted inside the game by hitting the spacebar to bring up the control panel and then clicking the "More" button in the lower right. ADJUST YOUR SCREEN BRIGHTNESS Your screen may have a brightness control that needs to be adjusted. Also, holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the "+" or "-" keys will adjust brightness during the game with software as needed. CHECK YOUR EXTERNAL SPEAKERS Redjack sounds great with a good pair of external speakers or headphones. For quieter play turn on "Subtitles." Simply hit the spacebar to bring up the control panel and then click the "More" button in the lower right. ---- KNOWN PROBLEMS ------------------------------------------- CONFLICTS WITH SOME SCREEN SAVERS If you have a screen saver installed, we recommend you disable it before playing Redjack. Some screen savers can cause the screen to be erased and not repainted correctly, and other screen savers that play sounds can cause Redjack to crash. DIRECTX REPLACES YOUR DISPLAY DRIVERS If DirectX replaced your display drivers and you want them back, you can restore them by choosing Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel, then removing "DirectX Drivers." See the installation guide for more information. SET YOUR DESKTOP AREA TO 640 x 480 Sometimes Redjack cannot start up unless your Desktop Area has been set to 640 X 480. To do this, right click on your desktop and select "Properties" from the pop-up menu that appears, then choose the "Settings" tab. Drag the "Desktop Area" slider all the way to the left, then start Redjack. TURN ON HARDWARE ACCELERATION Be sure that Hardware Acceleration is turned on. From the "Start" menu, select "Settings" and then "Control Panel." Select the "System" icon, and then choose the "Performance" tab. Under "Advanced Settings" click the "Graphics" button. Drag the "Hardware Acceleration" slider all the way to the right if it is not there already. ---- END OF RELEASE NOTES ------------------------------------- NOTICE: CyberFlix and DreamFactory are trademarks owned by CyberFlix, Inc. Software components of DreamFactory are owned by CyberFlix, Inc. with patents pending. Any violators or infringers of CyberFlix's trademark, copyright, patent, or other property ownership will be fanatically pursued to the full extent available at law and equity.