
What Are Skills?

Skills represent non-magical abilities that you can use in the game to improve your overall performance. Some of them are usable in combat, some others not. They can be learned from some NPCs and trained by others. In order to learn skills, you must travel abroad and ask various NPCs if you can learn from them or if they can train you.

Important: When you go up in levels (see Experience), you receive Skill Points. These points are necessary for you to learn not just skills, but spells as well, so spend them wisely.

Learning & Training Skills

Most skills have attribute and level requirements. These vary depending on the skills and the NPC who teaches them. Since there are no set values to these requirements, you must learn what they are by asking NPCs about them.

Once you have found an NPC that is willing to teach you a skill, a dialog box will appear:

Click on the skill you want to learn (assuming you are offered more than one), then click on the Learn button (to the right, above the yellow +/- buttons). If you do not have enough skill points, you an error message will appear at the bottom of your screen. Otherwise, you have learned the skill and can now use it and/or train it.

Note: The Macro button does not work on this screen, nor do the + or - buttons.

Once you have learned a skill, you can train it. This costs you both skill points and gold pieces. Ask the NPC who taught you the skill to train you in it, and a training box will appear:

Click on the skill you want to train (if there is more than one), then use the or buttons to the right to increase or decrease the number of skill points you want to invest into learning the skill. Note that you cannot spend less than 0 skill points. If you do not have enough gold pieces to train, you will not be able to spend all your skill points. When you are ready, click on the Train button to the right.

Note: Aside from the Attack and Dodge skills, no skill can be trained above a rating of 100.

Using Skills

Skills can either be active or passive. Active skills require you to voluntarily activate them. Passive skills are used automatically whenever the conditions are right and require no intervention on your part. Active skills include First Aid, Meditate, Peek and Rob. Some skills also require a target (such as First Aid or Rob). When a target is required, your mouse cursor becomes a sword and you must select a target using your left mouse button.

To use an active skill, summon your Skills Box (Ctrl-K). The Skills Box will appear:

Move your mouse cursor over the skill you want to use (you can also use the Up or Down arrow keys). Skills that are in red are passive skills, which means you cannot use them from this box. When you have chosen your skill, click on the Use button to the right.

Note: The Macro button does not work in this box.

Skills Descriptions

Armor Penetration (Passive)

The Armor Penetration technique allows a character to pinpoint the weak spot in his opponent's armor, thus reducing its effectiveness in absorbing damage. This skill works automatically during combat. If it is successful, it reduces the opponent's AC. The higher the skill, the more the defender's AC is reduced (up to a point).

Attack (Active)

This technique allows a character to fight more effectively. The higher the value, the higher the odds of successfully hitting someone (with or without a weapon).

Dodge (Passive)

This technique allows a character to avoid attacks. The higher the value, the higher the odds of successfully evading attacks.

First Aid (Active/Target)

The First Aid technique allows a character to mend physical injuries suffered during combat. Note that the skill can fail, worsening the wounds instead of healing them. Also, the character needs to have at least one bandage in his backpack for the skill to work. The damage healed tends to increase with the skill's rating and the user's level.

Meditate (Active)

The Meditate technique increases a character's ability to regain lost mana. Once initiated, the skill is effective until the character moves, attacks or casts a spell, or performs any other action. Meditation is always successful and simply increases the recovery rate of lost mana.

Parry (Passive)

The Parry technique allows a character to deflect a physical attack with his weapon. If the parry attempt succeeds, the damage received from a physical strike is reduced to zero (0). Note that there are always odds that parrying will fail.

Peek (Active/Target)

The Peek technique allows a character to glimpse into another character's inventory (backpack). It must be used within close range of the target. Failure to peek successfully may be detected by the target (not always).

Pick Lock (Active/Target)

The Pick Lock technique allows a character to open a locked door or chest by forcing or otherwise bypassing the locking mechanism. The odds of success increase with the skill's rating and go down depending on the lock's complexity. Note that picking locks requires concentration and you will not be able to attack anyone for a few seconds when you use that skill.

Powerful Blow (Passive)

The Powerful Blow technique increases the amount of damage done during physical combat. If successful, damage is increased automatically.

Rapid Healing (Passive)

The Rapid Healing technique increases a chracter's ability to regenerate lost hit points. The higher the skill, the faster the character recovers lost hit points.

Rob (Active/Target)

The Rob technique allows a character to steal an object from someone else's inventory. The character must have learned the Peek skill at a minimum level before this skill can be learned. Failure to rob successfully may be detected by the target (not always).

Stun Blow (Passive)

The Stun Blow technique allows a character to temporarily disable his opponent. If the blow is successful, the defender is stunned and cannot act for a short period of time.