@PROMPT_TURNSEQUENCE 4 Pay for blocker end draw end main end discard @ALCHORS_TOMB 2 Select target permanent. Select a color. @BANSHEE 1 Select target creature or player. @BARLS_CAGE 1 Select target creature. @BOOMERANG 1 Select target permanent. @DAVENANT_ARCHER 1 Select target attacking or blocking creature. @DIVINE_OFFERING 1 Select target artifact. @ETERNAL_FLAME 1 Select target player. @EXORCIST 1 Select target creature. @FALLEN_ANGEL 1 Select creature to sacrifice. @GHOSTS_OF_THE_DAMNED 1 Select target creature. @GOBLIN_DIGGING_TEAM 1 Select target wall. @GREAT_DEFENDER 1 Select target creature. @GREATER_REALM_OF_PRESERVATION 1 Select damage card. @HYPERION_BLACKSMITH 3 Select target artifact. Tap. Untap. @INQUISITION 2 Select target player. Target Player's Hand. @JOVIAL_EVIL 1 Select target player. @LIFE_CHISEL 1 Select creature to sacrifice. @MERFOLK_ASSASSIN 1 Select target creature. @MIRACLE_WORKER 2 Select creature enchanting enchantment. Illegal target (not enchanting a creature). Illegal target (not enchanting controller's creature). @MOLD_DEMON 6 Bury Mold Demon. Sacifice 2 Swamps Sacifice 2 Islands Sacifice 2 Forests Sacifice 2 Mountains Sacifice 2 Plains @PANDORAS_BOX 2 Your flip Opponent flip @PIXIE_QUEEN 1 Select target creature. @RELIC_BARRIER 1 Select target artifact. @SACRIFICE_X_BASICLAND 5 Select swamp to sacrifice. Select island to sacrifice. Select forest to sacrifice. Select mountain to sacrifice. Select plains to sacrifice. @SACRIFICE_LANDS 5 Select swamp to sacrifice. Select island to sacrifice. Select forest to sacrifice. Select mountain to sacrifice. Select plains to sacrifice. @SAVAEN_ELVES 2 Select an enchant land. Illegal target (not enchanting a land). @SCAVENGER_FOLK 1 Select target artifact. @SPINAL_VILLIAN 1 Select target creature. @STORM_SEEKER 1 Select target player. @TRACKER 1 Select target creature. @TRANSMUTATION 1 Select target creature. @WAR_BARGE 1 Select target creature. @WITCH_HUNTER 4 Deal damage to target player. Return creature to hand. Select target player. Select target creature. @WORMWOOD_TREEFOLK 2 Pay green mana. Pay black mana.