Brett Hull Hockey '95 Demo -------------------------- Release Date : Winter '95 This is a playable demo of Brett Hull Hockey '95. The user will control St. Louis and the computer will be New York. The game is played in 3 two minute periods and is preset with penalties, line changes and offside calls on. - SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - To play the "Brett Hull Hockey '95" demo you must have: * IBM + 100% compatible. * 486-20Mhz.(It will run on 386-33 but very slow) * 4 MB RAM.(580 free lower and 2 meg of EMS) * DOS 5.0 and above. * Hard Drive with 4 MB free. * VESA SVGA (640 X 480). * Keyboard. * Soundblaster or 100% compatible. For optimum gameplay, we suggest you have: * 486-50Mhz with Local Bus Video Card. * 8 MB RAM. * Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible sound card. * Joystick. NOTE: "Brett Hull Hockey '95" does not run in Windows. NOTE: Because the game has not been optomized yet, you may notice lapses in between periods of 15-20 seconds. - FEATURES - Below is a list of features of the full Brett Hull Hockey '95 to be released winter '95. * Brett Hull and 600 NHLPA greats on the ice. * Adjust team attributes like skating ability, shot accuracy, strength, and aggressiveness. * Watch Jumbo-tron for up-to-the-minute game info and crowd pumping grapics. * The computer selects 3 star players after each game. * Keep track of saves, passing percentages, checks, penalties, and more.. * Hear Emmy Award winning Sportscaster Al Michaels call the play-by-play. * And much, much more.... Controls This Demo version defaults to joystick (recommended) if you have one connected, otherwise it will use the numeric keypad on your keyboard for directional controls. Joystick Button A of joystick is for passing and selecting nearest player near the puck. Button B of joystick is for wristshots and poke checks. Button A and B is for Slapshots and Body checks. Keyboard The period/greater than key is same as Button A of joystick question mark/backslash key is same as Button B of Joystick Right shift key is same as pressing A & B together Other useful keys ALT 1-5 changes speed of game (recommend ALT-5 for 486 50 mhz or faster) F1-F4 changes lines ALT-C recalibrates the joystick (if one if connected) F12 exits to dos - "Brett Hull Hockey '95" - If Brett Hull Hockey gives an "Out of memory message" or you are experiencing freezes in the game you will need to boot your system "Clean." Below please find instructions on how to "Boot Clean." BOOTING CLEAN -- USING DOS 5.0 You will need a floppy disk that will fit into your A: drive; this procedure will only work in drive A. Insert the floppy disk into your A: drive and type "FORMAT A:/S". This will erase all data on the diskette so use one that is new or no longer needed. When the disk has finished formatting change to your A: drive. Type the following lines at the A prompt: COPY CON CONFIG.SYS DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS Press F6 . You should see the message "1 file(s) copied." If the message does not appear please follow these instructions again. VERY IMPORTANT!!! ONLY USE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE A: DRIVE! Next type these lines at the A: prompt: COPY CON AUTOEXEC.BAT PROMPT $P$G * All sound card lines. You can find these command lines in your autoexec.bat on the c: drive. They often look similar to this: "SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6" "SET SOUND=C:\SB16" "C:\SB16\SB16SET /M:220 /VOC:220 /CD:220 /MIDI:220 /LINE:220 /TREBLE:0" "C:\SB16\SBCONFIG.EXE /S" Please note this is how these lines MAY look. If you have a Pro Audio Spectrum 16 or other sound card these lines will be different. Press F6 . You should see the message "1 file(s) copied." If the message does not appear please follow these instructions again. REMEMBER, ONLY USE THESE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE A: DRIVE! You have just created a clean boot disk. In order for the disk to take effect you must reboot your computer with this disk in the A: drive. Press the keys together to reboot. At the A:> prompt, type C: and press To start "Brett Hull Hockey" type CD\BHDEM Type DEMO and press BOOTING CLEAN -- USING DOS 6.0 Please follow the instructions for Booting Clean using DOS 5.0 BOOTING CLEAN -- USING DOS 6.2X Reboot your computer. When you see the message "STARTING MS-DOS" hit the key at the top of your keyboard. You will see the message "DOS WILL PROMPT YOU CONFIRM EACH CONFIG.SYS COMMAND." Say yes to only the following: DOS=HIGH DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS If you are using a Sound Blaster compatible card you must also say yes to the Sound Card Driver line. Say no to the rest of your lines until you are asked to process your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Say yes to this line. * Say yes to all Sound Card lines. They often look similar to this: "SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6" "SET SOUND=C:\SB16" "C:\SB16\SB16SET /M:220 /VOC:220 /CD:220 /MIDI:220 /LINE:220 /TREBLE:0" "C:\SB16\SBCONFIG.EXE /S" Please note this is how these lines MAY look. If you have a Pro Audio Spectrum 16 or other sound card these lines will be different. - TECHNICAL HELP AND CUSTOMER SERVICE - Accolade Tech Support can be reached Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Pacific Standard Time. Call (408) 296-8400, or FAX (408) 246-0231. Recorded Tech Support messages are available 24 Hrs. IF YOU HAVE A MODEM . . . Support is also available on the following On-line Services: ACCOLADE BBS - (408) 296-8800 or (408) 296-8810 with settings of 8,N,1 (supports up to 14400 baud). 8 lines, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AMERICA ON-LINE - Industry Connection, keyword: "Accolade," E-Mail address: Accolade. COMPUSERVE - Game Publishers A Forum, type: "GO GAMAPUB," E-Mail address: 76004,2132 INTERNET - If you prefer, you may also write us at: ACCOLADE c/o Customer Support 5300 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 500 San Jose, CA 95129 Have Fun! ACCOLADE 1995