quad quake manual - page 7 - Enviornent

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Ammo : Watch where you shoot. Ammo packs will detonate if you hit them with too much fire. This a great way to get rid of any spare ammo packs lying around.

Fire : Fire will burn if you stand too close. Fire will stick like napalm if it hits you. Fire is your friend.

Nukes : Nuclear clouds will linger in the air, sending out waves of rads in every direction. Stand too close and you could find your self gibbed.

Pets : Pet Zombies, Knights, and Demons will follow you around like loyal dogs. They will attack whom ever you attack. Pets are magical, and they're owner can walk right through them. When your pet dies, or runs of of mana, they will disappeer into a poof of blood.

Gibbs++ : Hit anything hard enough, and it will disapear into a poof of blood. A great way to conceal the evidence.

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