quad quake manual - page 4 - Ogre

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It's good to kill. It's good to kill with a chainsaw. It's good to jump up and down on the crumbled bodies of those you've killed. With a chainsaw.


Health : 200

Ammo: Cells, Shells, Rockets

Hand to Hand Wepon : ChainSaw

Missilse Weapons : 3

Speacial Wepaons : 2

Speacial Abilities: None


ChainSaw -Play Leatherface on the booty of the world.

Quad Barrel Shot Gun - Spread the pain around.

Quad Barrel Choke - The GibMaker. Puts all the pain where you need it most.

Grenade - Toss it and forget it.

Zombie Gun - Shoot a Skull, make a Zombie. Who could ask for anything more?


- Ogres like to boogie up close and in-your-face. Rev up that chainsaw when ever possible, and save the ammunition for when you are hurting. The Saw can gib zombies, and damn near anything else.

- Use don't use the Quad Choke up close. The scatter will hit everything in front of you. Only use the Choke when you have time to pick your shots.

- Conserve ammo. The Quad ShotGun eats up ammo. Forget cover fire, only shoot when you know you can hit your target.

- Ogres can take a lot of abuse. Don't be afraid to get in somethings face. Just keep firing, and never let the bastard out of ChainSaw range.

- Without a good room-cleaner like the rest of the QuadQuake family, Ogres will run into trouble when dealing with large numbers of opponents. Try evening the odds. Shoot Zombies into th crowds, and pick off the survivors. Better yet, run higgildy-piggildy around crowded rooms, making noise. Get 'em to start shooting at each other.


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