quad quake manual - page 1 - Intro

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QuadQuake ShareWare is a patch developed for registerd Quake. Built on the skins++ engine, QuadQuake features four characters and six custom levels.

QuadQuake ShareWare plays from 3rd person point of view, allowing the player to see the character he is using. Choose from a Marine, Enforcer, Ogre, and HelKnight. Other features include:

Weapons: 25 weapons and spells, including 17 unique to QuadQuake.

Enviornment: New dangers like exploding ammo boxes and lingering nuclear clouds.

Monsters: New enemies unique to QuadQuake.

Maps: Six levels customized for QuadQuake, plus an all-new Start level by the game designer.


  1. Create a directory in your Quake folder called "quad"

  2. Drop the file pak0.pak into the quad directory.

  3. At a dos prompt type : C:\quake\quake -game quad

  4. Party.



QuadQuake requires no new keystrokes, nor bindings. It will work with your pre-existing .cfrgs. Mouse look and the crosshairs are strongly recomended. And don't forget the zoom view (f11) for sniping.

QuadQuake is 100% compatible with standard quake .bsps, including the original levels. To access them, use the map comand on the console, and start at the first level of the episode (ie: e1m1).

QuadQuake is not 100% playtested for multiplay/death match. However, players are encouraged to set up servers and give it a try. No client-side files are required to run a multi-player game.


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