-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-==-=-=-=-=-=- -=Akrid=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Title : AKRID.MAP Author : Todd Hoffenberg E-mail : Raptor@Index.com (Comments Encouraged) Web Page : members.aol.com/EleKtroSFT Description : This map is a map that I well...just kinda slapped together. Not typical of my other maps, this one doesn't have that many cool effects. However, it is (of course) a gothic map that looks excellent and plays like a dream. Intended for dukematch, Akrid is a past-future-whatever blast! Additional Credits to : 3D Realms for a great game! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * Play Information * Single Player : Why not look around? Co-op Play : Why not look around together? DukeMatch Level : This is a dukematch map -- no fun if its not played in dukematch. So, play it in dukematch. Difficulty Settings : Not Implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None. Please E-Mail me if you find any. * Legal Crud * You may not do this that or the other thing without doing this or that... Just don't rip me off, eh? * Where To Get This Map * Why the hell do you care? You've already got it! Seriously...it will be available in a number of places. Have fun with this map.