Dark Rift PC (Version 1.0F) 6 / 26 / 97 Please use full screen for easier viewing. Welcome to the Dark Rift Demo. The full version of Dark Rift, a fully 3 dimensional weapon- based fighting game, boasts 8 playable characters and two bosses. Character attributes include as many as 10 hits in a combo, exploding projectile attacks, get up combos, grabs, specials, and grab and projectile moves hidden in combos. In this special demo package, only two characters are playable, Gore and Aaron. There is also no music. We hope you enjoy Dark Rift and look for the full PC version of this exciting brawler in stores soon. Minimum system configuration Windows95 Pentium 100Mhz or superior CPU 16MB RAM memory Minimum of 40MB free Hard Disk space SVGA 16-bit, 2MB PCI Video Card 16 Audio Card Windows 95 compatible Keyboard Recommended system configuration Pentium 133Mhz w/hardware acceleration, 166Mhz or better 32 MB RAM memory SVGA 16-bit, 4MB PCI Video Card with 3D acceleration Sound Blaster 16 or compatible Gravis GamePad Pro or Microsoft Sidewinder game pads Getting Started: 1. Turn on computer to start Windows95. 2. Start "dr_demo.exe" from Windows Explorer or double-click on "dr_demo". Notes: 1. DirectX is required in order to play Dark Rift PC. DirectX is installed automatically when the setup program (setup.exe) is run. If for any reason DirectX has not been installed, please install it with dxsetup.exe located in the DirectX directory of the Dark Rift CD. 2. Color Palette should be set to "High Color (16-bit - 65,536 colors)". Dark Rift can only be played in 16-bit color. If your video card appears unable to support High Color or there is no option listed for it, please contact either your computer or video card manufacturer for further assistance. 3. The keyboard has been configured to allow for maximum ease-of-use. Remapping of keys may result in reduced key combinations on some keyboards. If you use an ergonomic keyboard you may have to reconfigure it for comfort. 4. For demo purposes only, Aaron and Gore are the only playable characters. Troubleshooting: 1. If you are using the Microsoft SideWinder game pad, use only the Microsoft SideWinder driver version 1.5 or greater. The version 1.5 driver can be found on the Microsoft website. 2. If there is no response from the keyboard or game pad after starting Dark Rift, check the DirectX setup to make sure the Display Driver is properly installed. Dxsetup.exe is located in the DirectX directory of the Dark Rift CD-ROM. If the Display Driver does not report a version number or "Not Supported" is displayed, try reinstalling DirectX. Or update your Display Driver in Display Properties - Settings. Then reinstall DirectX. 3. If you are using a 2MB 3D accelerator display adapter, we recommend that you disable the Direct3D hardware acceleration in the DirectX Setup. If not, you will get an out of memory error with certain characters. Dxsetup.exe is located in the DirectX directory of the Dark Rift CD-ROM. If you add memory to your display adapter, we recommend that you enable the Direct3D hardware acceleration in the DirectX Setup. 4. If your video card appears unable to support High Color (16-bit - 65,536 colors) or if there is no option listed for it, please contact either your computer or video card manufacturer for further assistance. 5. The 3DFX Voodoo chipset (Monster 3D, Righteous 3D) does not support all modes of DirectX. In particular this chipset does not allow you display 3D in a window. Dark Rift will not work with these video cards. 6. If you have an ATI 3D Rage II video card, you may experience some sprite transparency problems. This has to do with the compatability of the display driver with DirectX. To correct this, we recommend that you disable the Direct3D hardware acceleration in the DirectX Setup. 7. You may experience transparancy problems with the S3 Virge chipset (Stealth 3D 2000). But this can be resolved by downloading the latest drivers from S3 or Diamond. 8. Selected video cards have not been shipped with the latest DirectX compatible drivers. Updated drivers can can be obtained from each videocard manufacturer website. These video cards are: STB Lightspeed 128 (needs version 1.23 or greater) Hercules Dynamite 128 (needs version 1.23 or greater) VideoLogic GraphixStar 600 (needs version 4.01 or greater) Dark Rift Control Keys F1 Small Screen F2 Medium Screen F3 Large Screen F4 Full Screen (default) Esc Quit to Title Scene The keyboard has been configured to allow for maximum ease-of-use. Remapping of keys may result in reduced key combinations for some keyboards. Keyboard* Player 1 Player 2 Left 'A' 'Delete' Jump 'W' 'Home' Right 'D' 'Page Down' Crouch 'S' 'End' Sidestep In 'Q' 'Insert' Sidestep Out 'E' 'Page Up' Horizontal Attack 'G' '4' Vertical Attack 'H' '5' Kick 'B' '1' Block Space '0' Grab 'V' RIGHT ARROW Projectile (L) 'S', 'A'+'N' End, Delete +'2' Projectile (R) 'S', 'D'+'N' End, Page Down +'2' Bonus Projectile(L)** 'A', 'A'+'H' Delete, Delete +'5' Bonus Projectile(R) 'D', 'D'+'H' Page Down, Page Down +'5' Game Pause 'Esc' 'Esc' * Keyboard Num-Lock must be ON ** Bonus Projectile works for Aaron and Demonica Game Pad Gravis GamePad Pro SideWinder Game Pad Left LEFT LEFT Jump UP UP Right RIGHT RIGHT Crouch DOWN DOWN Sidestep In L2 Left Trigger Sidestep Out L1 Right Trigger Horizontal Attack RED Y Vertical Attack BLUE Z Kick YELLOW B Block GREEN C Grab R1 X Projectile (L) DOWN,LEFT+R2 DOWN,LEFT+A Projectile (R) DOWN,RIGHT+R2 DOWN,RIGHT+A Bonus Projectile(L)* LEFT,LEFT+BLUE LEFT,LEFT+Y Bonus Projectile(R) RIGHT,RIGHT+BLUE RIGHT,RIGHT+Y Game Pause Start Start