------------------------------!NOTICE!---------------------------- This file is NOT a Build FAQ. It is meant for those of us who know what we're doing but can't remember what hitags and lotags are required for certain things to work. If you need help with Build, E-Mail me and I can send you a help ZIP... If you think this file would be useful, I suggest you print it out (I STRONGLY recommend printing it from Windows Notepad, as this file has been modified to fit PERFECTLY on several standard-sized sheets of paper). ------------------------------!NOTICE!---------------------------- If you need the FAQ, E-Mail this guy: wwsoloww@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================================================== ------------------QUICK REFERENCE SHEET FOR BUILD----------------- --------------------Compilation By: Ww Solo wW-------------------- ================================================================== * Sprite Numbers Sector Effector (SE): # 1 Locators: # 6 Activator: # 2 Cycler: # 7 Touchplate: # 3 Masterswitch (MS): # 8 Activator Locked(AL): # 4 Respawn: # 9 Music & SFX: (SFX): # 5 GSpeed: #10 -------------------------------Doors------------------------------ * Doom-Style Door * Inverted Doom-Style Door -Door Sector Lotag: 20 -Door Sector Lotag: 21 * Swinging Door * Sliding Doors -Door Sector Lotag: 23 -Door "Track" Lotag: 25 -SE Hitag: Unique -SE Hitag: Unique -SE Lotag: 11 -SE Lotag: 15 * Teeth Door * Curtains -Door Sector Hitag: Unique -Door "Track" Lotag: 9 -Door Sector Lotag: 29 -SE In Teeth Hitag: Same As Door Sector's Hitag -SE In Teeth Lotag: 22 * Locked Door * Auto-Closing Door -Access Pad Hitag: 212 -Lotag Of 10 And Hitag Of 128 -Access Pad Lotag: Unique -AL In Door Lotag: Same As Access Pad's Lotag ----------------------------Room Effects-------------------------- * Secret Room * Mirrors -Sector Lotag: 32767 -Sprite #: 560 * C9 Explosions (Activated By Wall Crack) -Crack Hitag: Unique -SE In Hole Hitag: Same As Crack's Hitag -SE In Hole Lotag: 13 -C9 In Hole Hitag: Same As Crack's Hitag -C9 In Hole Lotag: Delay For Explosion * C9 Explosions (Activated By Touchplate Or Switch) -Touchplate Lotag: Unique -MS In Sectors Lotag: Same As Touchplate's Lotag -C9 In Sectors Hitag: Same As Touchplate's Lotag -C9 In Sectors Lotag: Delay For Explosion * Water * Teleporter -Above Water Sector Lotag: 1 -SE Hitag: Unique -Under Water Sector Lotag: 2 -SE Lotag: 7 -SE In Above Sector Hitag: Unique -SE In Above Sector Lotag: 7 -SE In Below Sector Hitag: Same As Above SE's Hitag -SE In Below Sector Lotag: 7 * Earthquake (Activated By Touchplate) -Touchplate Lotag: Unique -MS In Altered Sector Lotag: Same As Touchplate's Lotag -SE In Altered Sector Lotag: 2 -SE For Shrapnel Lotag: 33 * Elevators/Lifts -Sector Lotag To START AT TOP, STATIC CEILING: 16 -Sector Lotag To START AT BOTTOM, STATIC CEILING: 17 -Sector Lotag To START AT TOP, ACTIVE CEILING: 18 -Sector Lotag To START AT BOTTOM, ACTIVE CEILING: 19 * Conveyor Belts/Water Current *Nuke Buttons (End Level) -SE In Sector Hitag: 24 -Button Lotag: 32767 --------------------------------Other----------------------------- * Active Tripbombs * Slow-Opening Doors -Sprite #: 2566 -Door GSpeed Lotag: 64 ------------------------------!NOTICE!---------------------------- Okay, that's it for now, but you may have noticed that I left so many things out that it's not even funny (well, maybe a little). I plan on releasing a MUCH better reference sheet if enough people demand it. So if you like the layout and want it all, just drop me a line and let me know. ------------------------------!NOTICE!---------------------------- Quick Reference Sheet For Build (Version 1.0) By: Ww Solo wW Completed On: 03/23/97 Additional Credits to: Brett Gmoser and Jonah Bishop