KKND Demo Quick Reference Guide THE OBJECT You set up your forces, find and drill for oil, process it to get more resource units, then spend the resource units to create more forces. Keep this up until you either complete the one-player mission objectives or destroy the other armies in multiplayer gaming. THE LEVEL This demo contains a single freaky Evolved mission. In terms of both difficulty and alphabetical order, you might want to play this Evolved mission before you tackle the Survivor mission. Or you might want to play on the intro screen for a few hours instead, and who are we to stop you? UniVBE KKND runs best when running a Vesa driver such as UniVBE. We have included the shareware version of UniVBE 5.3 with KKND. Install and run UniVBE before playing KKND to improve video performance. OIL & WHAT TO DO WITH IT (Note that you could do some of the following simultaneously to save time) Send out units to expose areas of the map. When you've uncovered a black, bubbling puddle, you've struck oil. Select a Mobile Derrick, then send it to the oil tap-in point (the cursor will change to a drilling cursor while over the oil). When the Derrick arrives, it unfolds into an Oil Rig and starts pumping oil. Build a Power Station. A bonus Oil Tanker will pop out of the completed Power Station. It'll start shuttling between Rig and Power Station, transporting oil to be converted into Resource Units. Note: Oil seams dry up. Clicking on an Oil Rig will give a display of how much oil remains in the seam. When oil runs out, you'll have to build another mobile oil derrick (if possible) and send it out to find a new tap in point. HOW TO INCREASE A BUILDING'S TECH LEVEL Increasing the Tech Level of a building allows it to create more complex units. Build a Research Lab (Survivor) or Alchemy Hall (Evolved). Left click on the Research Lab/Alchemy Hall. The cursor changes to the Research cursor. Move the Research cursor over the desired building and left click to begin research. When the icon pulses at full colour, research will be complete and the Tech Level will increase by one. CONTROLS: Left Mouse Button SELECTION: Click on unit or click and drag a selection box around a number of units. STATUS: Click on a building/person/vehicle/animal to reveal its status bar. This status bar shows health, and depending on what is selected, it can also show Tech Level, number of defenders, amount of oil contained, etc. MOVEMENT: Click a destination point after selecting a unit/group to give a 'move' order. ATTACKING: Click an enemy unit/building after selecting a unit/group to give an 'attack' order. CONTROLS: Right Mouse Button FAST SCROLL: During a game, hold the RMB and move the cursor to 'fast scroll' around the playing area. DESELECT:ÿ Click the RMB to deselect a selection. Also cancels the 'Information (?)' command. CONTROLS: Keyboard 'A': Form Alliance (network play) ESC: Takes you to the in-game menu during a game, and also takes you back one screen in the options/game setup before the game begins. TAB/RIGHT ARROW/DOWN ARROW: Moves through the options during the pre-game setup stuff, just in case you don't feel like using your mouse. SHIFT+TAB/LEFT ARROW/DOWN ARROW : Moves back one option during the pre-game setup. SPACE BAR/ENTER: Selects options in the pre-game options screens. CTRL+1 through to CTRL+0: Assigns a unit or group to that number key. 1 through to 0: Selects the assigned unit or group (selected with CTRL+number) CONTROL PANEL Not all icons are available at all times. But here's the full list anyway. RESOURCE UNITS (Lightning bolt): Displays your current Resource Unit total. RADAR (World globe): Toggles a miniature overview of the mission area on and off. You can move quickly to areas using this display, but cannot select anything with it. OPTIONS (The letter 'O'): Accesses the Options menu, where you can Save Game, Load Game, get a mission briefing summary, Restart the current mission, Quit the game entirely, Return to the Game, or access the Audio preferences menu. INFORMATION (Question mark): Click this, then click the resulting '?' cursor over any building or unit (friendly or enemy) to find out the name of that unit. Right click to cancel the '?' cursor. CREATE INFANTRY (a bunch of troops): Accesses a fly-out menu of all available infantry. Left clicking one of these will begin training that person. You can left click on an icon multiple times to buffer up to 9 units which will be created one after the other. CREATE VEHICLE (Survivor) (a couple of blue vehicles): see next entry CREATE VEHICLE/ANIMAL (Evolved) (a vehicle and a crab): These buttons access pop-out menus of buildable vehicles and/or animals. They work identically to the Infantry button. CREATE BUILDING (a building): Accesses a pop-out menu of buildable buildings. To build, left click and hold on the desired icon, then drag it onto the map. See under 'Making Buildings' for details. CREATE DEFENSIVE STRUCTURE (Tower): Accesses a pop-out menu of available Guard Towers. Create these in the same way as buildings. CREATE AIR STRIKE (Plane/Wasp): Only available in the last few missions of each side. Click to build one (as for Infantry), then click on the 'Deploy Air Strike' button, below. DEPLOY AIR STRIKE (Bomb/Explosion): Click this button then click the cursor on the spot you want the Air Strike to attack. IN-GAME INTERFACE SELECTING Left click on a unit to select it. Left click and drag a selection box around a group of units to select them all. DESELECTING Right click to deselect a unit or group. PRESETTING & RECALLING GROUPS Select a unit or group, then hold CTRL and press a number between 1 and 10 (0). To quickly select that unit or group in future, simply press the number to which it was assigned. ORDERING TO MOVE After selecting a unit or group, click on the map where you want them to go. You can order them anywhere onto valid land or into the black, unexposed map. You'll be shown a No Go cursor for areas of exposed map where units cannot go (holes in the ground, etc). ORDERING TO ATTACK After selecting a unit or group of units, click on an enemy unit or building. Your team will move within attacking range and start causing damage. DEPLOYING UNITS The Mobile Outpost (S), Mobile Clan Hall (E) and Mobile Derrick (S&E) need to be 'unpacked' to operate. To deploy the first two, send the unit to a clear area. If it's a suitable spot and you move the cursor over the unit, you will get a 'deploy' cursor. Left click on the unit to construct it. For the Mobile Derricks, see under OIL AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT. MAKING BUILDINGS/GUARD TOWERS To make buildings or guard towers, left click and hold on the desired icon, then drag it onto the map. The cursor will become a full-sized, ghostly image of the building. Place it on a valid spot and left click. The building will form in stages, and you'll be informed when it's finished. If the ghostly 'build' image is totally red, it means you are trying to build it too far away from other buildings. If the image is partially red, it means something under that square is preventing a build. If units/vehicles are the culprits, right click to cancel building, move the offending units out of the way, and commence building again. If a land feature (eg. hole, clump of trees) is preventing building, then you'll have to build somewhere else. MAKING INFANTRY/VEHICLES/ANIMALS To make these units, you'll need either and Outpost (Survivor)/Clan Hall (Evolved) for people, a Machine Shop(S)/Blacksmith(E) for vehicles and a Beast Enclosure (E) for animals. To build the units, click the relevant icon on the control panel and a fly-out menu will appear of all available units. Left clicking on one of these begins building (a 'build' bar appears on the button, indicating the progress of the build). Multiple left clicking on a button queues a number of units, up to 9 at a time, and the number of queued units is also displayed on the button. To cancel creation, right click on the same button (you might need to do this multiple times if you've queued multiple units). REPAIRING BUILDINGS To repair buildings, you first need to build a Technician (Survivor) or Mekanik (Evolved). Send one of these people into a damaged building and it'll start the healing process. REPAIRING VEHICLES/ANIMALS (*** Only available in full game! ***) To repair vehicles/animals, build a Repair Bay (S) or Menagerie (E). Select the damaged unit, then left click on the Repair Bay/Menagerie to send it there. INFILTRATION & DEFENSE (*** Only available in full game! ***) Each building contains a number of defenders, as represented on the building's status bar by red parralelograms. Saboteurs (S) and Vandals (E) have two roles in dealing with buildings. If they enter an enemy building, they neutralise one defender. If the number of defenders is reduced to zero, and then one more Saboteur/Vandal is sent in to do the dirty work, the building will explode and the value of the building will be added to the destroyers resource units. Note that sending Saboteurs/Vandals into their own side's buildings turns them into defenders, and the defender count goes up by one. VETERAN UNITS A normal unit's health bar has a grey border. When a unit has engaged in enough combat, it becomes a veteran unit. The two stages of veteran units are distinguishable from normal plebbs by their blue and red health bar borders respectively. Veteran units are more accurate and have a higher fire rate. Veteran infantry (of both sides) can also heal themselves, regaining lost hit points, if they stay still. *********************************************************************** (** Note: Multiplayer gaming is only available in the full version of KKND! **) MULTIPLAYER GAMING ACCESSING MULTIPLAYER GAMES Click 'Multiplayer Game' from the main menu. You'll then have to choose between IPX (for an IPX network game of 2-6 players), Modem (2 players over a phone line) or Serial (2 players over a serial cable). IPX : NETWORK GAMING This screen lists all the games currently active on the network. You have two choices here: Join Game and New Game. Join Game is only active if you click on a game you wish to join. If you do so, you'll be taken to the 'Client Screen'. Clicking 'New' tags you as the 'Server'. You'll have more to configure, and this is all listed under the 'Server Screen' below. MODEM GAME You select from here whether you'll call someone to play or await their call. You can edit the information to make future connections simpler. NEW FRIEND: Takes you to the New Friend Entry screen, where you enter your friend's name (press Enter when you're done), cycle through your friend's Modem Baud Rate and enter their phone number. Press 'Add This Friend' when you're done. EDIT FRIEND: Edits the Friend information. DELETE FRIEND: Removes a friend from the list. DIAL: If you are to be the Server, click this when you've finalised everything and wait for your friend to connect. When this happens, you'll end up at the Server screen (see below). WAIT FOR CALL: If you're to be a client, not the server, click this to let the Server know you're ready to connect. You'll be taken to the Client screen (see below). SERIAL GAME Only 2 choices here. If you are to be the Server, click 'Connect' and wait for your buddy. If you're to be Client, click 'Wait for Connection'. When you're both in, you'll go to your relevant screens (see below). THE CLIENT SCREEN As a client (ie. not the server), you have a few options. Enter your name in the 'Name' box and press Enter when you're done. Click the 'Side' button to choose the 'race' of the army you want to control. Then choose 'Colour' to pick what colour you want your army to wear. Then just wait for the Server to start the game. THE SERVER SCREEN The Name, Side and Colour options are the same as for Client setup (above). The Server has some extra options too. STARTING RU'S: Select how many Resource Units everyone will have when they begin (from 4000 to 15000). MAX. TECH LEVEL: Choose from 1 to 5 to decide how high everyone will be permitted to advance. TECH BUNKERS: If set to 'on', then Tech Bunkers, containing strange, old-world technology, will be accessible to whoever finds them first. SELECT MAP: Choose a map to play on which you want to play. START GAME When everyone is locked in, the Server clicks on 'Start Game'. Everyone then must set up their forces and try to destroy all enemy units to win the game. ALLIANCES Available to Network players is the ability to ally your army with others. To form an alliance, place your cursor over the soon-not-to-be enemy and press the 'A' key. Allied armies will not attack allied units or buildings, unless you order them to do so. As soon as they fire upon allied units, the alliance is broken. To fire on an allied unit, place your cursor over the unit and then hold down [ALT], your cursor will then turn into a target cursor. If you have continuing problems installing, contact: andrewb@beam.com.au THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WHICH ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT WILL ELECTRONIC ARTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. ELECTRONIC ARTS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS MANUAL, FILE AND SOFTWARE HEREWITH IS COPYRIGHTED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS MANUAL, FILE OR THE SOFTWARE MAY BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, TRANSLATED, OR REDUCED TO ANY ELECTRONIC MEDIUM OR MACHINE-READABLE FORM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ELECTRONIC ARTS, P.O. BOX 835, SLOUGH, BERKS. SL3 8XU, ATTN: CUSTOMER SUPPORT. KRUSH KILL 'N' DESTROY COPYRIGHT 1996 BEAM SOFTWARE PTY. LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.