Getting to Know MindSpring

Let us take this opportunity to tell you a little about our beginning, our officers, and our values.

MindSpring Enterprises, Inc., is a national Internet service provider, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. MindSpring began offering Internet access services in June 1994 to the Atlanta metro area. Since then, MindSpring has grown from a regional to a national Internet service provider. Please check our web page, , for the most recent update on our city locations. MindSpring is committed to providing licensed Internet access and superior technical support to each of its customers.

The principles/officers of the company are:

Charles Brewer, founder of MindSpring and chairman and chief executive officer, grew up in Kentucky and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst College in economics. Upon graduation, Charles moved to California to work in sales for investment bank, Wertheim & Company. Charles completed his MBA from Stanford and relocated to Atlanta. After four years as CFO and then CEO of AudioFax, Charles began MindSpring Enterprises.

Michael McQuary, president and chief operating officer, is a University of Virginia graduate with an MBA from Pepperdine University. Mike spent 11 years with Mobil Chemical prior to joining MindSpring Enterprises.

Since November 1994, ITC Holding Company has been a principal shareholder of MindSpring Enterprises. ITC, led by Cam Lanier, chairman, and Bill Scott, president, have established a successful record of financing and building telecommunications companies, such as SouthernNet, Telecom USA, Async, InterCell, InterCall, Interstate FiberNet and Interserve.


The MindSpring Core Values and Beliefs

At MindSpring, we are convinced that the key to creating a remarkable organization, internally and externally, is through an intense focus on values that guide its employees' actions. Please review these dynamic values and if we do not seem to be living up to them, please let us know.

  • We respect the individual, and believe that individuals who are treated with respect and given responsibility respond by giving their best.
  • We require complete honesty and integrity in everything we do.
  • We make commitments with care, and then live up to them. In all things, we do what we say we are going to do.
  • Work is an important part of life, and it should be fun. Being a good business person does not mean being stuffy and boring.
  • We are frugal. We guard and conserve the company's resources with at least the same vigilance that we would use to guard and conserve our own personal resources.
  • We insist on giving our best effort in everything we undertake. Furthermore, we see a huge difference between "good mistakes" (best effort, bad result) and "bad mistakes" (sloppiness or lack of effort).
  • Clarity in understanding our mission, our goals, and what we expect from each other is critical to our success.
  • We are believers in the Golden Rule. In all our dealings, we will strive to be friendly and courteous, as well as fair and compassionate.
  • We feel a sense of urgency on any matters related to our customers. We own up to problems and we are always responsive. We are customer driven.