Using Eudora Light

Eudora Light is an e-mail program which is used to send messages to any person or organization anywhere in the world that is connected to the Internet and has e-mail capability. Files containing text, graphics and other information can be attached and sent with most messages.

Launching Eudora Light

Follow these steps to launch Eudora:
Step Action
1 Click the Mail button on the PipeLine+ Access Panel to open Eudora Light. The Enter Password window appears.
2 Type your password and click OK. A progress window appears while Eudora logs on to the MindSpring mail server.

Note: Remember, the Eudora password is case-sensitive. If you have trouble entering your password, verify that the Caps Lock key is off.

3 One of the following alerts appears:
  • If there is no new mail, a "No New Mail" alert is displayed; click OK.
  • If you have new mail, Eudora transfers the messages, one by one, and then displays a "You have new mail" alert. Click OK. New messages are delivered to your In mailbox. The In mailbox opens automatically and your new message summaries are added to the end of the mailbox list. New messages are denoted by a bullet () in the far left column of the message summary.
4 Double-click a message summary to open the message.

Getting Started

The following sections explain how to do the basic e-mail activities, such as:

  • Sending a message
  • Attaching a file to a message
  • Replying to a message
  • Sending a New Message

    Follow these steps to send a new message:

    Step Action
    1 From the Message menu, select New Message. A message window appears with the blinking cursor in the To: field.

    Note: Your MindSpring e-mailE-mail address (as shown in the above example, appears in the From: field and cannot be altered.

    2 In the To: field, type the recipient's e-mail address. (If you are sending the message to more than one person, separate their addresses with commas.)
    3 Press the Tab key or point and click the mouse to move the cursor down to the Subject field. Type some descriptive text indicating what the message is about.

    You may also enter an email address in the carbon copy field (Cc: ), enter an email address in the blind carbon copy field (Bcc: ), or add an attachment.

    4 Move the cursor to the large area below the Attachments: field called the body, and type the message.
    5 When the message is complete, click Send.

    The Eudora progress window indicates that the message is being mailed.

    Note: You can read and compose e-mail messages and replies offline. You only need to be online to receive and send.

    Attaching a File to a Message

    Attaching a file to a message sends a copy of that file with the message. Follow these steps to attach a file to an outgoing message:

    Step Action
    1 Prepare a message (a new message, a reply to a message, etc.).
    2 From the Message menu, select Attach File.

    A standard file window appears from which you can locate the file you want to attach.

    3 Find and select the file you want to attach, and click OK. The file is listed in the Attachments: field of the message. You can add as many files as you want using the same process. To delete an attachment, click on the attachment once to select it, and then press the Delete key on the keyboard.
    4 When the message and its attachments are complete, click Send.

    The Eudora progress window indicates that the message and attachments are being mailed.

    Note: You may have trouble sending attachments cross-platform (Mac to Windows or Windows to Mac). An alternative to sending attachments is to upload the files to your FTP site (according to the disk space usage available with your MindSpring service plan) from which the recipient can download the files.

    Replying to a Message

    Follow these steps to reply to a message:

    Step Action
    1 Open the message for which you want to send a reply.
    2 Select Reply from the Message menu.

    The sender's message appears with the sender's address in the To field of the header. The sender's original message text is preceded by ">" at the beginning of each line. You may edit any part of the sender's original message.

    3 Type your reply message.
    4 When the reply is complete, click Send.

    The Eudora progress window indicates that the message is being mailed.

    Using the Main Window Toolbar

    The main window toolbar consists of buttons you use as shortcuts:

    Figure 16: Eudora Light toolbar

    The following table describes the buttons on the main window toolbar:

    Button Description
    Trash - Transfers and stores the current message(s) in the Trash mailbox. All messages in the Trash mailbox are stored there until emptied by the user. Its function is identical to the Delete command under the Message menu.
    In mailbox - Opens the In mailbox. Its function is identical to the In command under the Mailbox menu.
    Out mailbox - Opens the Out mailbox. Its function is identical to the Out command under the Mailbox menu.
    Check Mail - Checks the server for, and downloads, new mail. Its function is identical to the Check Mail command under the File menu.
    New Message - Opens an outgoing message composition window. Its function is identical to the New Message command under the Message menu.
    Reply - Generates a reply to the current message or message summaries. Its function is identical to the Reply command under the Message menu.
    Reply All- Generates a reply to all recipients of the current message or message summaries. Its function is identical to the Reply to All command under the Message menu.
    Forward - Generates a forward message for the current message or message summaries. Its function is identical to the Forward command under the Message menu.
    Redirect - Generates a redirect message for the current message or message summaries. Its function is identical to the Redirect command under the Message menu.
    Previous Message - Closes the current message, and opens the previous message of the current mailbox.
    Next Message - Closes the current message, and opens the next message of the current mailbox.
    Attach File - Presents a dialog box to locate a file to be attached to the current email message. Its function is identical to the Attach File command under the Message menu.
    Address Book - Displays the Nicknames window. Its function is identical to the Address Book command under the Tools menu.
    Print - Prints a current message or signature file. Its function is identical to the Print... command under the File menu. Its function is identical to the Nicknames command under the Window menu.
    Context Sensitive Help - Changes the cursor to a question mark which will display Help information for an item on which you click. Its function is identical to the Context Sensitive Help command under the Help menu.

    Note: To learn about Nicknames and Signature Files, refer to Eudora's online Help.

    FAQs about Eudora

    I'm getting the message "There has been an error transferring your mail. I said: PASS <shhh! Don't tell anyone>..." What's wrong?

    The password you entered does not match what the mail server is expecting. The mail server is a UNIX machine, and is by nature very finicky. Be careful, it must be in all lower case. Is your Caps Lock key on?

    I sent an e-mail message and it was returned. Why?

    Most likely, it was not addressed correctly.

    Verify the address. Also, read the bounce message that came back with your mail. If it read "user unknown", the mail reached the other server, but the username was incorrect. If the return message said "host unknown", the domain (everything after the @ sign in the e-mail address -, for instance) to which you were sending the message might be entered incorrectly.

    If I know the name of the document I want to attach, can I type it in the Attachments field?

    No. You can use the Attach File option from the Message. You cannot edit the Attachments field in any way.

    Can I send e-mail and attach files to my buddy on AOL/CompuServe/Prodigy?

    Yes. Type the address the usual way: Attach documents using the Attach Document option from the Message menu or by dragging and dropping the file onto the message.

    The format for sending mail to users of other online services follows:

  • America On Line:
  • Prodigy:
  • CompuServe:
  • Note: When sending mail from the Internet to CompuServe, change the comma in the mail ID to a period. So user 71234,5678 is 71234.5678 from the Internet.

    I attached a file to my e-mail and it came out as garbage on the receiving end. Why?

    It was probably MIME encoded, and the receiver doesn't support that method of encoding. You can turn MIME encoding off using the Encoding Method section under Tools | Options | Attachments. Refer to the Eudora Light Online Help for information about MIME.

    My friend sent me a file via e-mail and it's been split into 7 different parts, all garbage. What do I do with it now?

    They are encoded. Highlight all 7 parts, and save them (choose any name) with a .uue extension (i.e. filename.uue). Then, run Wincode to decode them. For information about Wincode, refer to Using Wincode on page 124.

    Can I read mail offline?

    Yes, if you haven't closed Eudora. If you want to reply to messages and "hold" your out-going mail, you must uncheck the Immediate Send option. To uncheck the Immediate Send option, choose Tools | Options | Sending Mail and then uncheck the Immediate Send option. That way, you'll queue your mail for later delivery. When you're ready, reconnect to MindSpring and choose File | Send Queued Messages.

    How do I open Eudora offline?

    When you start Eudora and you are prompted for a password, don't enter the password, instead press Cancel.

    How can I check mail from both home and work?

    In the Checking Mail section of Tools | Options, check the box for Leave Mail on Server. That way, a copy of your mail is kept on the MindSpring server even after you download it. However, do not check Leave Mail on Server from both home and work. Be sure that downloading from one location removes your mail from the server.

    Finding Help and Reference Information

    Eudora Light has Help files included within the program. Choose Help from the Eudora Light menu bar and then select Topics. Next, select Contents, Index or Find as needed.

    Also, you can download Eudora's user guide for free from the following Web site (type this URL into Netscape Navigator's Location field):

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