X-Corral -------- by Alex (achacha@panix.com) - send me feedback... !standard PUD description at the END of this file! xcorral.pud - PUD using Warcraft II 1.33 editor xcorral.txt - *this file. Background ========== This is a lot of fun for 1 player. First of all, play human (default) the game has been "adjusted" to make humans more competitive in the late game. First of all all units are identical in power to standard game, except peasant, ranger, and paladin. Peasants - more expensive, have better armor and more hit points (tough peasants) Rangers - Excellent armor, can upgrade armor, better damage and better sight. With upgrades at lumber mill these guys are devastating. (Note: Archers do not benefit until upgraded and the upgrade is pricey) Paladins - Excellent armor, doubled damage, and better sight. These guys are just like bloodlusted ogres. (Note: Knights are unchanged, and upgrade to Paladin is expensive) The computer has several bases and will keep attacking, you have an advantageous defensive position to keep the computer at bay until later in the game, then you can upgrade to paladins and rangers and devastate the computer. You'll enjoy this one. Specifications ============== Single player PUD. Modified with War2x Editor. References ========== Blizzard Entertainment http://www.blizzard.com Kali IPX network emulator for TCP/IP connections http://www.kali.net/ Warcraft 2X editor (used v5.51) http://www.bayserve.net/~lemberg (lemberg@bayserve.net) ------------------------------------------------------------- WARCRAFT II .PUD DESCRIPTION FILE You must complete this form in order to have your .puds put on the site. ===================================================================== Title : X Corral Filename : xcorral.pud Author : Alex Chacha Email Address : achacha@panix.com Misc. Author Info : Description : see above Hints : Upgrade to Rangers asap, then Paladins. Build towers to keep the computer at bay. Additional Credits to : ===================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Warcraft II # of REAL Players : 1 # of COMPUTER opponents : 3 CO-OP, DEATHMATCH, BOTH : Single player Race : Default Resources : Default Units : Default Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build their own levels. You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. This file was obtained at PUDLAND! Check us out and send us your puds for World Wide distribution!! ftp://ftp.eggcite.com/pub/incoming http://www.eggcite.com/pudland --------------------------------------------------------------