Lopsided -------- by Alex (achacha@panix.com) - send me feedback... !standard PUD description at the END of this file! lopsided.pud - PUD using Warcraft II 1.33 editor lopsided.txt - *this file. Background ========== Both sides have all the land-bound heros. However the catch is that player 1 is very constricted by space which makes it very hard to develop quickly. Specifications ============== 2 player PUD intended for NULL/Modem play or 2 player IPX game. This is intentionally handicapped so that player 2 is given way more advantage. Intended to be played with friends who are not good yet. This way they don't get intimidated too easily. References ========== Blizzard Entertainment http://www.blizzard.com Kali IPX network emulator for TCP/IP connections http://www.axxis.com/kali Warcraft 2X editor (used v5.51) http://www.bayserve.net/~lemberg (lemberg@bayserve.net) ------------------------------------------------------------- WARCRAFT II .PUD DESCRIPTION FILE You must complete this form in order to have your .puds put on the site. ===================================================================== Title : Lopsided Filename : losided.pud Author : Alex Chacha Email Address : achacha@panix.com Misc. Author Info : Description : Handcapped player 1 Hints : Player 1 should be the better of the 2. Additional Credits to : Help! ===================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Warcraft II # of REAL Players : 1-2 # of COMPUTER opponents : 0-1 CO-OP, DEATHMATCH, BOTH : DEATHMATCH Race : Default Resources : Default Units : Default Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build their own levels. You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. This file was obtained at PUDLAND! Check us out and send us your puds for World Wide distribution!! ftp://ftp.eggcite.com/pub/incoming http://www.eggcite.com/pudland --------------------------------------------------------------