================================================================ Title : Where Eagles Dare Filename : eagle.bsp Date of Release : 17 of December, 1997 Author : Rickard Edén - Nephilim Email Address : rickard.eden@swipnet.se Clan Page : http://www.fragzone.se/sod Description : Well. Kind of a base on a mountaintop. With a cargoroom, small pond. All weapons except thunderbolt. Quad and ring. You can sort of choose if the quad should be in play. You'll see. There is a red armor somewhere:) Kind of hidden. It's pretty central, but behind a wall. History : It was originally designed for the DM Episode Contest, but the creator dissappeared and no result were shown. It has now been several months since the deadline and i have decided to release it anyway, risking disqualification and all sorts of means. But i guess it's worth it considering i want it to be played, and now when Q2 is out, i better release it before it's too late! Other works by Author : 2 Maps for Carnage PC. More maps in progress. Additional Credits to : Ben Morris, for Worldcraft iD, for Quake MapTesters : Mel Skeletto Admiral Vader Pisse Mugg, alias Misse Pugg, alias Pigge Muss etc. etc. Hideous Rebel, alias Raoul Wallenberg, alias FN ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Probably best played this way Deathmatch 5-16 : Hmm. Well, 6+ and you'll have a real Fragfest, for sure :) Difficulty Settings : No New Textures : No Exit : No * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Compile machine : Cx120 40meg win95. Compile time : bsp Don't remember lightdis Hmmmm.... vis About 15 mins, vis 4. What more can i say? Tell me if you decide to put this map on a server, in a pack, or on a CD. Comments, suggestions : rickard.eden@swipnet.se ICQ : 2166247