================================================ * Hack76 - i76 Car Editor by ReVoLt & bIGfreeK * ================================================ Version .50b NEW IN THIS VERSION =================== Weapons!!!!!!!! --Note when changing weapons that you must save a variant in i76 with as many weapons as you are going to want on the car before trying to edit them. Variant Name instead of filename is displayed in the titlebar now. INTRO ===== Hey cheater! Hack76 is a little util for editing i76 cars we cooked up when we realized: 1. Not everyone know's how to edit hex, even with instructions. 2. Some of us need to learn Delphi ;] So off into the desert sun we rode to collect all the specs, hack out all the code and add a couple O' keen features along the way. 2 days later and it's done! (almost;) If you have hacked your i76 cars before using a hex editor than you know how tedious it can be to make and test new settings. and if you haven't then don't worry `cause You'll never have to! SOAPBOX ======= Don't hack to win! Hack for Fun! Contrary to popular belief going into a newbie game loaded up on hacks and just picking on people will NOT make your penis (or breasts) ANY larger. So stop it! Hacks are most fun when everyone in the game is using them. Don't ruin someone else's experience just `cause they are not into or don't know about hacks! OK I'm done lecturing you now. Go cheat! `PUTER ====== Windows95 or NT4.0 Some i76 cars. Half a Clue. Install ======= Aquire Winzip, pkunzip or some other unzipping type proggy and unzip the file you downloaded. Put the hack76.exe file anywhere you wish. (the dir your cars are in is a good one) USAGE ===== If you really need help with this part you either don't have the game or don't have a brain so please come back when you are fully equipped! (OK For the TRULY impaired...) 1. Run i76. 2. Create a car. 3. Save it. 4. Run hack76. 5. Load a car. 6. Tweak it however you like. 7. Save it. 8. Send some $$$ to ReV and freeK... 9. Rinse, Repeat. SHOUT! ====== * Thanks bIGfreeK for ALL the help. The IDEA! and for nice detailed descriptions, specs, testing, not sleeping, and generally egging me on! * Thaks to Shaft and George Lessman who maintain the 'How Do I?' page http://www.valpo.edu/home/student/glessman/howdoi.html as most of the lists we used to write this came from there. Thanks Guys! * Thanks to Activision for making a kick ass game! * Thanks to ME! For ditching everything I had to do for 2 days to get this out before the hacks are patched out by some llama @ Activision! ;-) CONTACT ======= Email - hack76@geocities.com for bug reports/questions/shameless requests... WWW - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/6951 FTP - ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/jh/jhonson KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== Changing Weapons on a few of the vehicles is not working proerly right now. I think it's only some of the secret vehicles that this happens on. When changing the tires on some vehicles (The Moth Truck is one...) the middle tires are not updated properly. I'll get to it in a day or two. Paint and Weapon settings are not loaded into the program when you load a car. Nor will they be saved if you don't change them so it's no big deal. TO DO LIST ========== (In order of priority) 1. Implement Ammo hack. 2. Add an .ini file so some settings can be saved when you exit the program. a. last working dir b. window position. c. spin-edit increments (these will be variable soon) d. Most-Recently-Used menu for quick access. 3. Make spin-edits (Armor and Chassis) increment variable. Some may wish to set the increment very low if they do not plan on setting these values very high. They go up 25 at a time now which is not very convenient for those who wish to set it to say 15 or something like that. I would let you just type a value in the box (and I will) but i gotta get rid of a nasty little bug in the spin-edit source first. 4. Fix the Tab-Order of all the controls so that usage with no mouse is not a pain. (this may already be OK just haven't checked yet) (In no particular order) 5. Spruce up the interface a bit. 6. Implement hacks that modifiy the base cars. HACK76 Version History (Zzzzzzzz.......) ====================== .50b (05/01/97) Implemented the weapon hack. Variant Name instead of filename is displayed in the titlebar now. .25b (04/30/97) Car settings are now reflected in the interface when you load a car, (Yay!) Added Paintjobs bIGfreek discovered a new tire last night. Added that. Added more detailed descriptions to the tire interface. Made an Icon. .07a (04/29/97) Finally Re-Wrote the tire interface! Added Min/Max Buttons on Armor and Chassis Added current filename on the titlebar stylee. Optimized some more stuff. .06a (04/28/97) Implemented Specials hack and interface. Implemented Engine hack and interface. Implemented Suspension hack and interface. Implemented Brakes hack and interface. Optimized a few things. .05a (04/28/97) Implemented Chassis hack and interface. .03a (04/28/97) Added a tabbed notebook style interface. Implemented Armor hack and interface. .01a (04/27/97) Added Front/Rear Tire Button's and a seperate window for picking the tires. All this version could do was change the tires. .00a (04/27/97) This one was just a hex viewer for the car files I cooked up to single out some of the values that needed changing. Totally non-functional. DISCLAIMER ========== Hey guy's don't blame me if you screw your car(s) up. Please back up your car files before manipulating them with this util.