Title : Funk Track Filename : Ftrack.zip Version : 1.0 Date : 97/6/28 Author : Debacle Email : debacle@angstrom.net or visit me at www.angstrom.net/~debacle REPO MEN And my maps to boot are here: http://home1.gte.net/dutch12/ Credits : Activision for a release that is Funky Fast. My snuggle bunny who is sleeping deeply now. To those gangs and folks that have recently sworn off HACKS. If you have not done so yet, whats taking so long? Bandit, who said, Geez I wish i could play a level similar to Scene 2....Well it aint a perfect match but i hope it works! Oh and thanks for sending me the Saved game so i could run that level to see it ! Description of the Map ------------------------------- On the Funk Track you race or rock depending on your preference, no more "Ya Gotta Line up" Or Ya Finished a NOT even close second"! Of course, there are a few extra areas to explore and a few objects were added This map was designed for Racing and Combat. Driving is fairly easy on this map. IMPORTANT: Um Line up wherever this time! IMPORTANT: Center of Map formed an interesting combat area. LAST IMPORTANT: REGEN near end of track. How to Install the Map ------------------------------- Unzip in Addon Directory Technical Details ----------------- Any bugs lemme know please? Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- Please keep all files together. Do what you want with it, as long as it is not for profit. If it is for profit I have a bmmer payment due on the first! Availability ------------ http://www.angstrom.net/~debacle Whoever you send it to and whoever gets it...