============================================================================= Title : Trench War Filename : TRENCHWR.MAP Author : Daniel Aharon Email Address : DanGambit@aol.com Description : This is a DukeMatch level based on a small battlefield with tanks that actually shoot at each other and a a couple artillery guns raining fire on the battlefield constantly. It took me about 20 hours to complete this level. I hope you have fun with it. Additional Credits To: 3D Realms and the LeveLord for Duke Nukem 3D and its great levels. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor Used : BUILD Known Bugs : None that I know of. There is a problem running this level on lesser machines. On a 486 66MHz the frame rate can get as low as 7, so a Pentium is recomended. Also, when I tried to play a modem game with it, I got the message "Invalid Game Packet!!! (1 too many bytes)". Just add "/V1 /L01 /M" to your init string to fix it. Email me if you find bugs or have other problems. * Where To Get This .MAP File * BBS : StarQuest (408) 254-1317 HomeSpun Images (408) 972-9950 The Pyre (408) 226-2889 World Wide Web : Just look around, I'm sure its out there. Note: Please share this .MAP with others, but make sure this .TXT file is with it. Also, if you make a level based on this one please give me some credit and mention my name.