Filename : Level Name : ST22 Author : Steve W. Long EMAIL Address : Misc. Auth. Info : Author of 32 Doom2 wads, avail. upon request 5 previous Duke Maps: Plant Alpha1, Roller, City, Launch, Delta 7. Description :Leave Delta 7 as it continues to blow, get off before you're blown to bits, create chaos on Space Transport 22 find the escape pod that will take you to Lunar Base Echo, the final map of Episode 1. Add.Credits To :Steffen Itterheim, for Off. Build FAQ : Jennifer Lynn, for Duke 3d Build Quick Menu : Author(s) of Build : 3d Realms for a great game : Susan Long, for practically giving me up for another month to this. : Jesse "Waddy" Watkins testing ======================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level : Episode One, Level Six Single Player : Yes Duke Match Level : No Difficulty Settings : Yes New Music : No New Sounds : Not Incl.(avail upon request: new Duke. no more "R" rated..original Duke .voc files may not make sense in certain areas.) New User.con : Not incl. Play Info : Load file, choose E1l6 to play. If you prefer, rename file to , and choose in setmain user map. follow the view screens, and keep your head down. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor Used : Build Known Bugs : Please report any to: * Where to get this MAP file *