KoolBear's Mission Grabber, v3.0 Standard Edition 15 Aug 97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KoolBear's MissionGrabber, v3.0 Standard Edition (KBMG3 SE) is fairly intuitive so I'm not going to insult your intelligence, but here is a quick brief to get you started: As you move the mouse over all the interface controls, the status bar will give you a quick help hint on what that control does. When you first install KBMG3 SE you will need to configure it. Currently, KBMG SE supports only 2 games: Descent 1 & Descent 2. KBMG3 Professional Edition will support these and our other up-and-coming game sites as well. The first part of the configurations dialog provides some convenience switches: 1. Automatically Install Archives? If checked KBMG3 SE will try to unzip and install the mission archives into the directory you specify under Install Dir. (See below) 2. Play Theme Music? If checked KBMG3 SE will play KoolBear's favorite Descent theme music while it is running. 3. Auto-Close After Download? If checked KBMG3 SE will automatically close after the current batch is downloaded. On the main application window there is a Quick Close button located in the lower right. This Quick Close button is used in much the same was as this Auto-Close configuration option, but it does not change the saved configuration of KBMG3 SE. For example, if you normally like to keep KBMG3 SE open after a download it would become a hassle on those times when you would want to have it Auto-Close because each of these times you would have to open the configuration dialog, set the Auto-Close feature, close the dialog, initiate your transfer, which would make KBMG3 SE close after the transfer is completed. But because you set the Auto-Close configuration feature, the next time you start KBMG3 SE it will still be set to Auto-Close. So, providing that you've remembered the next time you use KBMG3 SE, you'd have to open the configuration dialog again and turn off the Auto-Close feature to configure KBMG3 SE back the way you normally prefer. Whew! That was a long explanation. But the point was that using that method is lengthy and inconvenient! The Quick Close feature helps to avoid this hassle by letting you specify Auto-Close on a case-by-case basis. 4. If checked (default) KBMG3 SE will include the .txt files when it unzips and installs each mission. Obviously then, if you uncheck this option, you can avoid the .txt file clutter in your missions directories! The next section of the configuration dialog us used to tell KBMG3 SE how to handle the downloaded mission archives. There are two issues. Where and if to store the mission archive itself and where to unzip and install the mission files. Each supported game, then, has configuration options for the following: 1. Install Dir: Where should KBMG3 SE install the mission? 2. Archive Dir: Where should KBMG3 SE store the archives? It is NOT necessary that you store the archives. If you leave the Archive Dir box blank, KBMG3 SE will assume you do not want to keep the mission archives and it will delete them after it has installed the mission files. It is also NOT necessary to specify an Install Dir. This allows you to use KBMG3 SE to download mission archives without unzipping them. However, you will receive a warning that you've not specified a place to unzip and install the missions once you initiate the download. This warning will only appear once if you are downloading more than one mission. It IS necessary that at least one of these options is set to a valid path or KBMG3 SE will have nothing to do. Once you have configured KBMG3 SE you are set to begin. You can type the names of the missions you want to download directly into the missions box. If you want to download more than one mission, seperate each mission archive with a comma (,). Even better, you can use the Get Index button to open a selectable window of missions which allows you to check the individual missions you want. Either way, after you have made your selections, press the Kool button and you are on your way! That's it! KoolBear's Mission Grabber, v3.0 Standard Edition is the only utility of its kind. No one has ever said that downloading missions was difficult using any other method. But you cannot argue that KBMG3 SE is the easiest and fastest way to get the missions you need downloaded and installed so you can get back into the game where you belong! You will also notice that it downloads mission files much faster than you can download offered files within Kali directly and it has the added benefit of not involving the game servers. If you have any problems with KBMG3 SE the first responsible course of action is to write to us directly for help. Send any problem reports to: KBMG3SE_Support@technologydynamics.com We will do our best to respond to your questions within 24 hours. During that time you can try to catch me on the Kali servers and I'll answer any questions. Good luck, Jim Burns (Kali: Spin) jimburns@technologydynamics.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------