v1.12 of Over the Reich: September 25, 1997 Big Time Software, Inc. This patch updates v1.01 or later of Over the Reich. If you have the original v1.0, you must first update to v1.01 using the patch available on the Big Time web site. IMPORTANT: To use the patch you must have installed Over the Reich using either the "medium" or "full" installations. NOTE: The file format of saved games has changed in v1.12, so you should not apply this patch if you have a tour of duty game in progress that you want to finish. Also, if you want to play over the internet, all players must be updated to v1.12. Changes in v1.12 of Over the Reich * Program crashes no longer occur when saving the game. * The AI no longer dives airplanes so hard that they crash into the ground. (Some people reported this as "mysterious explosions"). Also, computer pilots bail out of dead-engine airplanes at General level (instead of crashing into the ground). * It is slightly more difficult for fighters to disengage from a dogfight (you now need a bit more separation first). * Sometimes the program crashed when the computer made its move at the General skill level. This has been fixed. * Enemy reinforcements now usually appear in slightly less threatening positions. Changes in v1.1 of Over the Reich * Pitch and vertical flight model is extensively reworked for greater realism, including the effects of negative-G. * Improved stability in internet play. * Tour of duty pilot names can be changed. * "Tailing" is easier to qualify for. * High speed gives initiative bonus. * Reinforcements arrive slightly less frequently, but when they do, they come in right behind you - so it's wise to keep wingmen covering your six. * The dialog box for disengaging is more helpful. * Messerschmitt Me-163 "Komet" rocket fighter now automatically runs out of fuel on turn 40 (engines go idle) as, in real life, it literally had only enough fuel for a couple minutes of dogfighting. * Improved computer player. * Turn modes have been altered slightly to correct a previous miscalculation. * You can now "play by email" in a fashion, by setting up a game as though it's a two-player "hotseat" (sharing a computer) and then saving the game when player 1's turn is over. Then send the saved file to player 2 who can load the file, play his turn, then save and send the file back again. It's a bit crude, but it works. * The save-file format has changed, so you can't load old files. So don't update if you're in the middle of a big tour of duty game. * And much more!