Instructions: 1) Create a directory somewhere (such as \GalCiv), and unzip these files into that directory. OR 1) If you already have a GalCiv directory on your harddrive, unzip these files into that directory. 2) Run SETUP.EXE 3) Shadow the GalCiv.exe to whereever you want to access it. Object Desktop 1.5 Users: You can type Open at the commandline and the folder will be opened making it easy to shadow GalCiv.exe Note to Shipyards2 players: The new setup.exe automatically detects whether you have Shipyards and will not delete Shipyards -- so don't worry. The order of installation needs to be: (1) Shipyards (2) GalCiv Expansion pack. If you don't have Shipyards 2 and want to be able to design your own ships, call Stardock at 1-800-672-2338. Shipyards 2 is quite cool and only $19.95. Some Expansion Pack Notes: Ranges on some ships (notably transports) are ZERO. You can build a ship range improvement or through technology increase your range. Setup program doesn't work if you're using 4OS2. Special thanks to those who sent in their saved games without whom this update would not have been possible. ============================ History GalCiv 2.91 (Fixkit for Expansion Pack) > Auto-Pilot could be used over and over on a single turn fixed. > Auto-Pilot states not saved correctly so ships would stop dead in their tracks. > Wonders did not always appear when they should have. (actually, not a bug but because wonders get outdated with technologies. Easier to just eliminate feature than to keep explaining why wonders didn't appear). > Go Home button didn't always work problem fixed. > Invisible Ships (non-cloaked) fixed. > Rangers and Avatars now have different graphics > No longer displays negative numbers in tax dialog when it goes over 32000. > Bug where if you had enough research resources you would actually get negative research fixed. + Ominorian Graphic updated GalCiv 2.9 (Expansion Pack) > Changed "auto pilot cheat" so that players can't go beyond their range by stacking with ships with low ranges and high ranges. > "Exploding Economy" problem fixed. > Signed SHORT replaced by LONG for incomes >$32,000 > Population ceiling raised to near infinite (whas ~8 million per planet). > Population growth more in tune to the features of the planet, less with approval rating. > People get unhappier with higher taxes (more so now) > Pollution makes people even unhappier. > Population now affects morale by 20% more. > Poor worlds now very difficult to keep people happy. + Ominorians added (optional feature) + Ominorian text written by David H. McCoy (Thanks!) + Ominorian star ship fleet created + Military Governor created, you can now switch all your ship projects from one to another. (Very cool) + About a dozen new technologies added. + Several new ships added that balance the game towards tough and fast as well as powerful instead of just powerful. (previously, Avatars were the way to go, now there are more choices). + New "Odin" class ship added that can see all ships in a quadrant. + Smart Auto Pilot added. Now fleets will move at the same speed (set to the slowest ship in the fleet). + Threading improved to make it easy for people to give orders to ships even during the time the computer is moving. + Performance improved. + Torian AI Personality re-written. + Altarian AI Personality re-written. + Empire AI Personality heavily modified. + Quadrants now have their own unique backgrounds. > Improved repaint speed (which no one will probably notice) > Ship Ranges must restricted. Now harder to get across the galaxy. > AI now puts more focus on social development. + New Events added. > Darth Vader complex removed. Once you are really "evil" or really "good" you can't turn back. > Technologies reorganized to make more sense. Now need artificial gravity to really get anywhere. GalCiv 2.5 > Changed Technologies so that Super Projects/Achievements don't become obsolete > Hall of game bug fixed > You can no longer select unused planets + You can now load up transports from outside a star system by having the transport fly into a star system (bringing up the star dialog) and choosing "Reload". Suggested by Bill Hardy. > More planet names added to list + Aliens much more aggressive at trading technologies > Altarians don't get stuck on researching old tech > Annoying Planet and improvement updates do not popup after you've won the game. + Changed the fonts away from scalable to bitmap fonts so that they don't look awful under Merlin (way to go IBM on breaking the font engine...) + Altarians will get rid of old unwanted ships + Altarians won't build tons of useless ships GalCiv 2.14b > Added updated Techs.txt that was corrected by usres on Stardock's CFORUM! Thanks guys! > Data.bin fixed with new values and corrected errors with certain technologies not popping up. GalCiv 2.14 > REALLY fixed the DeathKnight problem with Shipyards > Fixed Tax dialog to reflect integer values instead of short. + SDS/AI updated to 2.14 (this is what fixes the Deathknight problem and AI personality #3 made smarter -- Torians). + Starship.DLL can now be placed locally and it will use that. If you are creating custom scenarios, this is obviously useful. + You can now specify how many good planets there are upon starting a new game. + When you give ships to another player, they automatically leave orbit. > Lot's of little things fixed that no one will probably notice.. GalCiv 2.12a > Fixed Shipyards problem where taking over a pirate planet will give you all the technologies of the universe. > Moving fleets works correctly (bug added in 2.12). GalCiv 2.12 + Added ability to read in .SDS files which can modify ships and techs values. + Added ability to use alternative aliens.dll if in directory. > Made Fleet movement easier by having all stacked ships move right away > "Go Home" now works properly > Music from CD interfering with loading graphics when Event comes up eliminated. > Made great planets MUCH less likely to exist. GalCiv 2.11 + Added HALL of FAME > Fixed some Enhanced Governor issues. GalCiv 2.1 + Added Enhanced Governors > Fixed lots of issues that annoyed users. GalCiv 2.01 + Made it playable from the hard drive. > Fixed Excalibur bug.