Netstorm Prototype Registration

(Some fields not yet implemented)

Real Name
This is your real name. It is for our records only and will not be seen by anyone else.
This is the name that everyone will know you by. It must be unique, if it is not, you will be told so after you submit this page and you will have to enter a new name.
This is the secret word that you will use everytime you connect to this server. Do not use a password that you use for anything else secure! Although this password will be kept secret, there's always a chance someone will crack it, and we will not be held responsible for what happens after that! Do not forget this password! Your game will become useless without it!
If you forget your password, you will be prompted with this hint. Of course, so will anyone else that tries to break into your account, so be sure not to reaveal too much about your password with this hint. For example, a good hint would be: "My favorite song".
Unique Registration Number
This is the unique number that was shipped with your copy of Netstorm.
Registration Number:(Required)
Email Address
Your real email address. You will recieve setup instructions via this address, and thus it is required. No other player will see this.
Home Page
The URL to your home page. This will be visible to any player.
Home Page:(Optional)