Hello! We noticed you canceled out from the Account Registration program. We're going to assume it was for one of the following reasons: 1) You already have an account 2) You wish to proceed at a later time 3) You decided not to proceed with MindSpring 1) You already have an account. We've included a separate program to enable you to configure the MindSpring software for an existing account. Assuming you installed the MindSpring software into the default directory you can do the following: Windows 3.1x: From the Program Manager open the "MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.60-16" Program Group by double clicking on it. You will see a program icon titled "mssetup." Double click it. Windows 95: Click on Start. Click on Programs. Click on "MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.60-32" Inside you will find the "Mssetup" icon. Double click it. You will be able to enter your existing account information. 2) You wish to proceed at a later time "Now where did I put that darn credit card?" Not a problem at all. You can still register on-line with MindSpring. Assuming you installed the MindSpring software into the default directory you can do the following: Windows 3.1x: From the Program Manager open the "MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.60-16" Program Group by double clicking on it. You will see a program icon titled "SignMeUp." Double click it. Windows 95: Click on Start. Click on Programs. Click on "MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.60-32" Inside you will find the "SignMeUp" icon. Double click it. You will be able to enter your existing account information. 3) You decided not to proceed with MindSpring What?! No.. Are you serious!? Awww... But we're the good ISP with the good people who care about what they're doing. Are you sure? Well, OK. Hope you change your mind later, though. :) -mjn