4191 The input symbol is too long for the parser. 4192 The push-back buffer overflowed while parsing. 4193 The parser's stack overflowed. 4194 The parser encountered a syntax error in the input. 4195 The parser failed to recover from a syntax error. 4196 Attempt to set Date to invalid date. 4197 Attempt to set Time to invalid time. 4198 Attempt to set DateTime to invalid date/time. 4199 Overflow in DateTime calculation. 4200 Wk %d 4201 Week %d 4202 UNKNOWN 4203 INFINITY 4204 Yes 4205 No 4206 True 4207 False 4208 January 4209 February 4210 March 4211 April 4212 May 4213 June 4214 July 4215 August 4216 September 4217 October 4218 November 4219 December 4220 Jan 4221 Feb 4222 Mar 4223 Apr 4224 May 4225 Jun 4226 Jul 4227 Aug 4228 Sep 4229 Oct 4230 Nov 4231 Dec 4232 Sunday 4233 Monday 4234 Tuesday 4235 Wednesday 4236 Thursday 4237 Friday 4238 Saturday 4239 Sun 4240 Mon 4241 Tue 4242 Wed 4243 Thu 4244 Fri 4245 Sat 4246 AM 4247 PM 4248 January 4249 February 4250 March 4251 April 4252 May 4253 June 4254 July 4255 August 4256 September 4257 October 4258 November 4259 December 4260 Unable to write INI file "%s". 4261 Unknown string %hu. 4262 Internal error 4291 No Windows timers available 4292 Log 4293 Out Box 4294 File commands 4295 Edit and search commands 4296 Commands to retrieve and send messages 4297 Commands to create messages 4298 Commands to browse messages 4299 Commands to manage groups 4300 Commands to manage messages 4301 Commands to manage the outbox 4302 Message composition commands 4303 Commands to configure Agent 4304 Commands to open and arrange windows 4305 Commands to get help 4306 Commands to purge messages from groups 4307 Marks the selected groups subscribed or unsubscribed\nSubscribe 4308 Inserts a text file into a message 4309 Saves the selected messages to a text file 4310 Retrieves and decodes binary file attachments for the selected messages\nDecode Binary Attachment 4311 Retrieves, decodes and launches binary file attachments for the selected messages\nLaunch Binary Attachments 4312 Retrieves and decodes binary file attachments, with manual selection 4313 Launches a WWW or FTP application from a tag 4314 Sets up the page layout for printing 4315 Selects all items in the browser or all text in the window 4316 Deselects all items in the browser 4317 Applies ROT13 coding to the selected text 4318 Pastes text with quote marks 4319 Views the selected item 4320 Zooms the active pane 4321 Moves focus to the next pane 4322 Moves focus to the previous pane 4323 Moves focus up the pane hierarchy 4324 Sets focus to the group pane 4325 Sets focus to the message list pane 4326 Sets focus to the message text pane 4327 Toggles word-wrap for message bodies 4328 Toggles fixed/variable font for bodies 4329 Toggles display of message headers 4330 Shows all groups 4331 Shows only new groups 4332 Shows only subscribed groups 4333 Displays/Hides the tool bar 4334 Displays/Hides the status bar 4335 Single-key read new bodies\nSingle-Key Read 4336 Highlights the next message 4337 Highlights the previous message 4338 Highlights the next unread message\nSkip to Next Unread Message 4339 Highlights the next unread message body\nSkip to Next Unread Message Body 4340 Skips to the first new message in the next group that has new messages\nSkip to Next Unread Group 4341 Retrieves and views the next unread message\nView Next Unread Message 4342 Views the next unread message body\nView Next Unread Message Body 4343 Highlights the next unread message in the current thread\nSkip to Next Unread Message in Thread 4344 Retrieves and views the next unread message in the current thread\nView Next Unread Message in Thread 4345 Retrieves the bodies for the selected messages\nGet Selected Message Bodies 4346 Marks the selected messages for later retrieval\nMark for Retrieval 4347 Posts a new usenet message\nPost New Usenet Message 4348 Posts a new email message\nPost New Email Message 4349 Posts a follow-up to the selected message\nPost Follow Up Message 4350 Posts a private email reply to the selected message\nPost Reply via Email 4351 Posts a reply to all recipients of the selected message 4352 Forwards the selected message via email\nForward via Email 4353 Forwards the selected message via email, verbatim\nForward Verbatim 4354 Redirects the selected message to another recipient\nRedirect Email 4355 Posts the message again as a new message 4356 Sends the message immediately 4357 Queues the message for later sending 4358 Marks the selected thread to be watched\nWatch Thread 4359 Marks the selected thread to be ignored\nIgnore Thread 4360 Deletes the selected messages 4361 Marks the selected messages to be kept\nKeep Message 4362 Posts a message to the server requesting that the message be cancelled 4363 Marks the selected messages read 4364 Marks all messages read 4365 Marks the selected messages unread 4366 Marks all messages unread 4367 Marks all messages in all groups read 4368 Expands the selected thread 4369 Collapses the selected thread 4370 Expands all threads 4371 Collapses all threads 4372 Retrieves new groups created since last check 4373 Retrieves new message headers for all subscribed groups\nGet New Headers in Subscribed Groups 4374 Retrieves new message headers for the selected groups only\nGet New Headers in Selected Groups 4375 Ignores all new messages for the selected groups 4376 Samples the most recent message headers for the selected groups 4377 Retrieves all available message headers for the selected groups 4378 Refreshes the complete list of groups 4379 Retrieves the bodies for all marked messages in all groups\nGet Marked Message Bodies 4380 Sends all queued usenet and email messages 4381 Preferences for user, system, online, navigation, and display 4382 Preferences for posting messages 4384 Changes the layout of the browser window 4385 Makes the current layout the default for new browser windows 4386 Manages signatures 4387 Toggles online state\nGo Online/Offline 4388 Edits default properties for all groups 4389 Used internally for Alt+Enter accelerator 4390 Posts a beta report to Forté 4391 Posts a comment to Forté 4392 Register 4393 Stops all online tasks\nStop All Tasks 4394 Opens the selected message for editing 4395 Deletes the selected messages 4396 Copies the next URL in the text to the clipboard 4397 Deletes the binary attachments associated with the selected messages 4398 Opens a new browser for groups 4399 Opens the log window 4400 Opens the out box 4401 Starts/Stops logging online operations to AGENT.LOG 4402 Sets options for logging online operations 4403 Purges all groups 4404 Purges the selected groups 4405 Purges all subscribed groups 4406 Compacts all databases to minimize disk usage 4407 Deletes the bodies for the selected messages 4408 Changes the language for the selected messages\nMessage Language 4418 Opens help contents\nHelp Contents 4419 Searches for a help topic 4420 Opens how-to help for common tasks 4421 Opens help on using the Windows help system 4422 Displays Agent version information 4423 Opens the Agent release notes 4424 Select Signature File 4425 Save Attachment File 4426 Attach Binary File 4428 Insert Text File 4429 Save Messages As 4430 Browser Font 4431 Variable-Pitch Body Font 4432 Fixed-Pitch Body Font 4433 Message List Font 4434 Message List Subject Font 4435 Printer Font 4438 All Groups 4439 New Groups 4440 Subscribed Groups 4441 Find Group 4442 No more groups contain "%s". 4443 Delete Groups 4444 WARNING! \n \nThis operation will permanently delete group %s and all of its messages. \n \nAre you sure? 4445 Find Message 4446 No more messages contain "%s". 4447 Find 4448 Unable to find "%s". 4449 Find Message 4450 No more messages contain "%s". 4451 No more entries contain "%s". 4452 Status 4453 Date 4454 Date 4455 Date 4456 Subject 4457 Author 4458 Thread 4459 Size 4460 Size 4461 Status 4462 Date 4463 Subject 4464 To 4465 Groups 4466 Message List 4467 Message 4468 &View Selected Group Enter 4469 &View Selected Message Enter 4470 &View This Message Enter 4471 &Sample %d Headers from Selected Groups 4472 Unknown error. 4473 Saving message %ld of %ld: %.400s 4474 Total groups retrieved so far: %lu. 4475 Finished retrieving bodies. 4476 Finished decoding files. 4477 Retrieving %s body %lu of %lu. 4478 Opening dial-up connection to %.400s%s. 4479 Loading winsock driver. 4480 Connecting to server %.400s%s. 4481 Looking up server %.400s%s. 4482 Connection attempt %u of %u failed. Pausing. 4483 (Attempt %u of %u) 4484 Closing connection with server. 4485 Retrieving complete list of groups. 4486 Retrieving names of groups created since %s. 4487 Retrieving headers for %.400s. 4488 Finished retrieving new headers. 4489 Retrieving bodies for %.400s. 4490 Formatting message for transmission. 4491 Posting usenet message "%.400s". 4492 Sending email message "%.400s". 4493 Connecting to server%.400s. 4494 Logging into news server. 4495 Connected. 4496 Updating groups. Please wait... 4497 New groups: %lu 4498 Group %.400s no longer exists. 4499 Updating %.400s. Please wait. 4500 Updating %.400s. 4501 Finished posting usenet message. 4502 Finished sending email message. 4503 Error reported by Server: %.400s. 4504 Connection closed by server. 4505 Connection closed unexpectedly by server. 4506 Operation timed out. 4507 Check mail task cancelled by user. 4508 Error reported by winsock driver: %.400s 4509 Starting a new task. 4510 Tasks: %d 4511 Online 4512 Offline 4513 Version 4514 Copyright © 1995-96 Forté 4515 All Rights Reserved 4516 &Debug Log to AGENT.LOG 4517 Debug &Log Options 4518 &Support Question 4519 &Beta Report 4520 On every purge 4521 When message is older than: 4522 When message is no longer available 4523 On every purge 4524 On every purge, delete body only 4525 When message is older than: 4526 Never 4527 [None] 4528 &Value for %.100s: 4529 Override default &Value for %.100s: 4530 4531 Default 4532 No change 4533 Marking Read 4534 What to Purge 4535 When to Purge 4536 Retrieving 4537 Posting 4541 Language 4542 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*| 4543 All Files (*.*)|*.*|JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif| 4544 All Files (*.*)|*.*| 4546 [Unable to read message] Unknown 4547 \n[Sorry. This message's body is no longer available.] \n 4548 Catching up with %.300s. 4549 No new headers for %.300s. 4550 Retrieving up to %lu of %lu headers for %.300s. 4551 Retrieving up to %lu header for %.300s. 4552 Retrieving up to %lu headers for %.300s. 4553 Retrieving up to %lu new header for %.300s. 4554 Retrieving up to %lu new headers for %.300s. 4555 \n \nTry to launch the remaining files? 4556 Importing Newsrc file... 4557 Copying newsgroups from newsrc file... 4558 Copying newsrc file: %d%% 4559 Updating groups... 4560 Updating groups: %d%% 4561 Purging: %.400s 4562 Purging: %d%% 4565 bytes 4566 K bytes 4567 M bytes 4568 G bytes 4569 Compacting: %d%% 4570 Copying: %d%% 4571 Moving: %d%% 4572 Out Box 4573 Compacting: %.400s 4574 User 4575 System 4576 Online 4577 Navigation 4578 Message List 4579 Display 4580 Colors 4581 General 4583 Confirmations 4584 Fonts 4585 Languages 4587 Dial-Up 4588 \n \n[Saved as file: %.400s] \n 4589 Licensed to 4590 Serial # %lu 4591 For Personal Use Only 4592 Old Name: %.400s 4593 &Text (changes will be saved to the file): 4594 &Text (file is read-only): 4595 &Text 4596 No Groups 4597 Su&bscribe to Group 4598 &Unsubscribe from Group 4599 [Default: %.400s] 4600 [Default: none] 4601 No Subject 4602 Val&ue for %.100s: 4603 %.100s %.300s 4604 %.100s Default %.300s 4605 Use Information From Netscape 4606 &Enter the name of the directory where Netscape is stored: 4607 Use Information From News Xpress 4608 &Enter the name of the directory where News Xpress is stored: 4609 Use Information From Trumpet News 4610 &Enter the name of the directory where Trumpet News is stored: 4611 Use Information From WinVN 4612 &Enter the name of the directory where WinVN is stored: 4613 %s Setup 4614 The setup information has been copied. Please verify that the information is correct. 4615 Some of the setup information was missing. Please make the necessary additions. 4616 Sorry! %s was unable to locate file "%.350s", so it cannot use the program you selected. 4617 Sorry! %s was unable to locate file "%.350s", so it cannot copy the program's list of newsgroups. 4618 Total newsgroups copied: %lu \n \n%s will assume that the list of groups is up-to-date. \n \nLater, if you want to be sure that you have a complete list of groups available from your news server, select menu option Online | Refresh Groups List. 4619 The next step in setting up %s is to go online and get a complete list of newsgroups available from your server. \n \n(This operation could take several minutes if your server carries many newsgroups, so be patient.) \n \nGo online now? 4620 \n[Sorry. This message is no longer available.] \n 4621 \n[Retrieving message...] \n 4622 \n[Press ENTER to launch the file.] \n 4623 \n[Double-click the camera in the message browser to launch the file.] \n 4624 To: %.400s 4625 Not a valid email address: 4626 ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- 4627 (All messages posted after %.400s.) 4629 Unable to connect to %.400s. %s 4660 Cancel Saving 4661 Cancel Sending 4662 Cancel Checking 4663 \n[%lu lines] \n \n[Press ENTER to retrieve this message.] \n[Press M to mark this message for later retrieval.] \n 4664 \n[%lu lines] \n \n[Press ENTER to retrieve this message.] \n[Message is Marked for later retrieval.] \n 4665 \n[%lu lines] \n \n[Press M to mark this message for later retrieval.] \n 4666 \n[%lu lines] \n \n[Message is Marked for later retrieval.] \n 4669 Server Authorization Password 4670 Success 4671 WSAEINTR 4672 WSAEBADF 4673 WSAEACCES 4674 WSAEFAULT 4675 Invalid parameter 4676 Unable to initialize winsock driver 4677 Operation would block 4678 WSAEINPROGRESS 4679 WSAEALREADY 4680 WSAENOTSOCK 4681 WSAEDESTADDRREQ 4682 WSAEMSGSIZE 4683 WSAEPROTOTYPE 4684 WSAENOPROTOOPT 4685 WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT 4686 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT 4687 WSAEOPNOTSUPP 4688 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT 4689 WSAEAFNOSUPPORT 4690 WSAEADDRINUSE 4691 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 4692 WSAENETDOWN 4693 WSAENETUNREACH 4694 WSAENETRESET 4695 Connection aborted 4696 Connection reset 4697 Not enough memory to initialize winsock driver 4698 WSAEISCONN 4699 WSAENOTCONN 4700 WSAESHUTDOWN 4701 WSAETOOMANYREFS 4702 No response from server (timeout) 4703 Connection refused by server 4704 WSAELOOP 4705 WSAENAMETOOLONG 4706 WSAEHOSTDOWN 4707 WSAEHOSTUNREACH 4708 WSAENOTEMPTY 4709 WSAEPROCLIM 4710 WSAEUSERS 4711 WSAEDQUOT 4712 WSAESTALE 4713 WSAEREMOTE 4714 Winsock driver not ready 4715 Requested winsock version not supported 4716 WSANOTINITIALISED 4717 Host name not found 4718 Host name not found 4719 Non-recoverable error looking up host 4720 Host name not found 4721 No address 4722 Unknown error 4723 Permission denied 4724 Bad file handle 4725 Input output error 4726 Too many open files 4727 No more files 4728 No such device 4729 File not found 4730 No such file or no space left on device 4731 Path not found 4732 No space left on device 4733 Greenwich Mean Time, Dublin, Edinburgh, London 4734 Monrovia, Casablanca 4735 Berlin, Stockholm, Rome, Bern, Brussels, Vienna 4736 Lisbon, Warsaw 4737 Paris, Madrid 4738 Prague 4739 Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul 4740 Cairo 4741 Eastern Europe 4742 Harare, Pretoria 4743 Israel 4744 Baghdad, Kuwait, Nairobi, Riyadh 4745 Moscow, St. Petersburg 4746 Tehran 4747 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Tbilisi, Kazan, Volgograd 4748 Kabul 4749 Islamabad, Karachi, Sverdlovsk, Tashkent 4750 Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi, Colombo 4751 Alma Ata, Dhaka 4752 Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi 4753 Beijing, Chongqing, Urumqi 4754 Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore, Taipei 4755 Tokyo, Osaka, Sapporo, Seoul, Yakutsk 4756 Adelaide 4757 Darwin 4758 Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney 4759 Guam, Port Moresby, Vladivostok 4760 Hobart 4761 Magadan, Soloman Is., New Caledonia 4762 Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is. 4763 Wellington, Auckland 4764 Azores, Cape Verde Is. 4765 Mid-Atlantic 4766 Buenos Aries, Georgetown 4767 Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro 4768 Newfoundland 4769 Atlantic Time (Canada) 4770 Caracas, La Paz 4771 Eastern Time (US & Canada) 4772 Indiana (East) 4773 Bogota, Lima 4774 Central Time (US & Canada) 4775 Mexico City, Tegucigalpa 4776 Saskatchewan 4777 Mountain Time (US & Canada) 4778 Arizona 4779 Pacific Time ( US & Canada), Tijuana 4780 Alaska 4781 Hawaii 4782 Midway Island, Samoa 4783 Enewetak, Kwajalein 4784 English 4785 Bold 4786 Italic 4787 ;%s\n;\n;For information about the settings in this file,\n;search for %s in the online help. 4788 On %date%, %from% wrote:\n 4789 On %date%, in %newsgroups% you wrote:\n 4790 On %date%, in %newsgroups% %from% wrote:\n 4791 On %date%, you wrote:\n 4792 On %date%, %from% wrote:\n 4793 Going offline will cancel all tasks. Are you sure you want to go offline? 4794 Go online now? 4795 You must be online to perform this operation. Select menu option Online | Online to go online and then repeat this operation. 4796 Stop all online tasks? 4797 You must use the Preferences dialog to specify a News Server before you can perform this operation. 4798 You must use the Preferences dialog to specify an Email Server before you can perform this operation. 4799 Purge all groups and compact all databases now? 4800 Purge all groups now? 4801 Compact all databases now? 4802 Attachment directory %.400s does not exist. 4803 The URL Pattern "%.400s" is invalid. 4804 Unable to find a URL. 4805 %.400s\nThis file already exists.\n\nReplace existing file? 4807 Unable to create file %.300s (%s). 4808 An error occurred writing file %.300s (%s). Some of the messages(s) may not have been saved. 4809 An error occurred writing file %.300s (%s). 4810 Delete the selected message bodies? 4811 Delete the %lu selected message(s)? 4812 Delete the selected address(es)? 4813 Delete the selected filter(s)? 4817 Keep the messages that you sampled for group %.400s? 4818 This email message has already been sent. \n \nSend it again? 4819 This usenet message has already been sent. \n \nSend it again? 4820 The usenet message has already been sent. \n \nResend just the email message? \n(Answer NO to send both again.) 4821 The email message has already been sent. \n \nResend just the usenet message? \n(Answer NO to send both again.) 4825 Unable to launch application for file %%s (Windows error %d).%%s 4826 Sorry! The text to be inserted is too long to fit in the edit window. Agent will insert as much of the text as possible. 4827 There are active online tasks. Close %s? 4828 There are no subscribed groups. 4829 You may not cancel a usenet message that you did not post. 4830 Agent cannot cancel this outgoing message, because it was sent without a message-id. You can cancel the message by retrieving it from the news server and cancelling the retrieved message. 4831 Keep the messages and properties for the groups you are unsubscribing? 4832 Sorry! Agent cannot purge groups while online tasks are active. Please wait until all online tasks have completed. 4833 No databases need compacting. 4834 Compacting the databases will free %s of disk space (%lu percent of the total space used). \n \nCompact the databases? 4835 Compacting the databases will free %s of disk space (less than %lu percent of the total space used). \n \nCompact the databases? 4836 There was not enough disk space available to compact all of the databases. Agent needed at least %s, but less than %s were available. 4837 Sorry! Agent cannot compact databases while online tasks are active. Please wait until all online tasks have completed. 4838 Home directory %.400s does not exist. 4839 The email alert WAV file does not exist. 4840 Margin value is not in the range 0.00 to 100.00 4841 The registration key is invalid. Please re-enter the key. 4842 The registration key stored with the program has become invalid. Do you want to re-enter the key? 4843 Name "%.400s" already exists. Choose a different name. 4844 Name "%.400s" already exists. Choose a different name. 4845 File name "%.400s" is invalid. 4846 Sorry. You may not open more than %d Newsgroup windows at a time. 4847 Discard new message "%.400s"? 4848 Discard your changes to "%.400s"? 4849 The %.100s field may not be blank. 4850 Field %.100s: %.300s is an invalid address. \n \nAccept the field? 4851 This file is an executable program: \n \n%.200s \n \nSince it was downloaded from the Internet, it may contain a virus. \n \nAre you sure you want to execute the program? 4852 Value is not in the range %ld to %ld. 4853 No messages were saved, because none of the selected messages contained bodies. 4854 Some of the selected messages were not saved, because they did not contain bodies. 4855 Agent cannot perform this operation while it is updating the group. Please try again after the update finishes. 4856 The replacement you have entered is not a valid email address. Use it anyway? 4857 The addresses are OK. 4858 There are %d email and %d usenet messages ready to send. Send them now? 4859 Delete language "%.400s"? 4860 Language "%.400s" already exists. Choose a different name. 4861 The maximum allowable number of languages has been defined. Too add another language, you must delete an existing language. 4862 Old Name: %.400s 4873 Close the connection to %.400s? 4874 Unable to open file %.400s. 4875 There are too many messages to retrieve. 4876 Unable to allocate clipboard memory. 4877 Unable to open the clipboard. 4878 Unable to empty the clipboard. 4879 Unable to save data to the clipboard. 4880 An error occurred reading the file. 4881 The EXE file is corrupted. 4882 An error occurred loading WINSOCK.DLL. 4883 Unable to initialize INI file %.400s. 4884 The home directory %.400s does not exist. 4885 The shared directory %.400s does not exist. 4886 Param %s %s is not an int. 4887 Param %s %s is not a string. 4888 Unable to write default property file %.400s (%s). 4889 Unable to write signature body file %.400s (%s). 4890 Unable to write signature file %.400s (%s). 4891 Unable to write email filter file %.400s (%s). 4892 Unable to access directory %.400s for writing. 4893 Unable to write database file %.400s (%s). 4894 Unable to write layout file %.400s (%s). 4895 An error occurred initializing WINSOCK.DLL. 4896 Unable to open attachment file "%.400s". 4897 An error occurred writing log file %.400s. Some information may have been lost. 4898 Unable to create log file %.400s (%s). 4899 The POP server does not support the Leave or Skip options. You must disable these options on the Inbound Email dialog box. 4900 The message is too large to fit in memory. 4901 %.200s (Error %d) 4902 Commands to select which groups to view 4903 Deletes the selected groups\nDelete Group 4904 Edits properties for selected group(s) 4905 Mark all messages in the group read? 4906 Mark all messages in the group unread? 4907 Mark all messages in the selected groups read? 4908 Mark all messages in all groups read? 4909 Mark all messages in the selected groups unread? 4910 WARNING! \n \nThis operation will permanently delete the %ld selected groups and all of their messages. \n \nAre you sure? 4911 Groups 5137 Forte Free Agent 5138 Forté Free Agent 5139 Free Agent 5140 1.1 5141 Posts a support question 5142 Delete &Groups 5143 (Uncheck this option if you want to return to the Groups pane when done with a group.) 5158 Attaches a binary file to a message 5159 No binary attachment found in "%.400s" 5160 Decoding %.300s file %d of %d (section %d of %d). 5161 Unable to create temporary file %s. 5162 Attachments 5163 Attachments 5164 Settings for %.400s 5165 Settings for %.400s 5166 \n[The binary attachment has been deleted.] \n 5167 Sorry! Agent was unable to locate any sections for the binary file(s) you selected. 5168 Sorry! Agent was able to locate only %d of %d sections for the binary file you selected. 5169 Save the remaining file? 5170 Save the remaining %d files? 5171 Agent was unable to find all of the sections for %d of the %d binary files you selected. \n \n%s 5172 File %.300s has been deleted or moved.%s 5173 There is no application associated with file %s.%s 5174 Opens help describing how to order Agent 5175 Agent Order Hotline 5176 +01 619.431.6496 5177 www.forteinc.com 24310 Exits Agent 24321 Undoes last edit operation\nUndo 24322 Cuts selected text to the clipboard\nCut 24323 Copies selected text to clipboard\nCopy 24324 Pastes text from the clipboard\nPaste 24325 Deletes selected text 24337 Prints the selected messages\nPrint 24338 Sets up printer 24351 Finds text in browser or message\nFind 24353 Finds next instance of text\nFind Next 24361 Cascades all open windows 24362 Tiles all open windows vertically 24363 Tiles all open windows horizontally 24364 Arranges iconized windows 24365 Close all windows 32520 Input does not conform to picture:\n"%s" 32521 Invalid character in input 32522 Value is not in the range %ld to %ld. 32523 Input is not in valid-list 32590 on 32591 '%s' not printed. %s. 32592 Out of memory 32593 Out of disk space 32594 Printing canceled 32595 Printing aborted in Print Manager 32596 Error encountered during print 32597 Print Error 32732 Invalid DIB handle %X 32733 GDI object %X destroy failure 32734 GDI object %X delete failure 32735 GDI file read failure 32736 GDI resource load failure 32737 GDI creation failure 32738 GDI allocate failure 32739 GDI failure 32740 Invalid relative window specified in layout constraint in window %s 32741 Incomplete layout constraints specified in window %s 32742 Printer error 32743 Validator syntax error 32744 Menu creation failure 32745 Child create fail for window %s 32746 Execute fail for window %s 32747 Create fail for window %s 32748 Child class registration fail for window %s 32749 Class registration fail for window %s 32754 Invalid client window %s 32755 Invalid child window %s 32756 Invalid window %s 32758 VBX Library init failure 32759 Invalid MainWindow 32760 Invalid module specified for window 32761 Out of memory 32762 No application object 32763 Unknown error 32764 Unhandled Exception 32765 OK to resume? 32766 ObjectWindows Exception 32767 Unknown exception 61504 Switches to next window 61536 Closes the window 61728 Restores the window to its previous size 61744 Opens task list