WARCRAFT II .PUD DESCRIPTION FILE ===================================================================== Title :Journey into the abyss Filename :Abyss.pud Author :Richard Schaab Email Address :kraut@lnd.com Misc. Author Info :This is my first pud, so go easy on me. I've playtested it for 3 days so it should be relativley bug free. Ive also contemplated on making this the 1st of a series, so look out for more in the future. Description : Your commanders, Sir Lothar and Sire Uther Lightbringer have been captured by the an unknown orcish force and taken to the mysterious and dreaded island of Grumir. Intelligence Reports state that the orcs are unlike any other members of the horde the humans are currently battling. Freeing your commanders is your 1st priority, after which you are to assault the orcs position. Their presence has contributed to much of the bloodshed in the area. Destroying them would definately be in the alliance's best interest. Rumors of a portal leading to the abyss have kept most creature's out of the area..... Hints :Try to capture as many goldmines as possible. The gold supply will become sparse futher into the game. Additional Credits to : Blizzard Entertainment for a kickass game! ===================================================================== * Play Information * Game : Warcraft II # of REAL Players :3 players max # of COMPUTER opponents :1 CO-OP, DEATHMATCH, BOTH : both, although preferably CO-OP Race :Human Resources :Players start with 2000 gold and standard lumber and oil resources Units :3 footmen, 4 peasants, a town hall, and 2 farms Known Bugs :None that I know of. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build their own levels. You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. This file was obtained at PUDLAND! Check us out and send us your puds for World Wide distribution!! http://www.isisnet.com/fusion/pudland